
来源 :中国物资流通 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aini826611
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国家紧缩银根后,宏观控制收到了应有的效果。固定资产投资,货币投放,信贷结构等得到了有效控制和调整。但是微观方面又出观了些“过死”的现象,物资企业因资金短缺,经营出现了危机,原材料无资金购进,材料售出后钱收不回来,对方不是无钱付,就是款划回后被银行扣收,甚至连拆借的资金有的也被扣去,致使计划内订售合同无法履行,计划内分配物资,随时都有作废的可能,生产建设的供应受到严重影响。如何从根本上解决这一困难?我认为必须跳出单纯资金危机论的狭隘界限,应以治理、整顿.全面深化改革中找出路,进行综合治理。——压缩库存物资。除重点建设项目,技改项目和重点产品生产所需物资及群众生活必需品等,保持合理库存外,将其它物资尽量投放市场,对滞销物资等,亦应加紧清查处理,腾出占用物资。 After the country tightened monetary policy, macro control received the desired effect. Investment in fixed assets, currency placement, and credit structure have been effectively controlled and adjusted. However, the microcosm has also seen some phenomena of “death”. Because of shortage of funds, material companies have experienced crisis, raw materials have no funds to purchase, and materials have not been received after the materials are sold. The other party is not free to pay, is the money After being deducted by the bank, even some of the borrowed funds were deducted, resulting in the inability of the planned sale contract to be fulfilled. The distribution of materials within the plan may be revoked at any time, and the supply of production and construction is seriously affected. How can we solve this difficulty fundamentally? I think we must jump out of the narrow boundary of the pure capital crisis theory. We should use governance, rectification, comprehensively deepening reform to find a way out, and carry out comprehensive management. - Compress inventory stocks. In addition to key construction projects, technological transformation projects, and supplies required for production of key products, and people’s daily necessities, etc., in addition to maintaining reasonable inventory, other materials should be put on the market as much as possible, and in addition to slow-moving materials, inventory inspections should also be stepped up to free up occupation materials.
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在我们的校园里,有一种美丽的花——迎春花。迎春花长条披垂,早春开花。不仅驱散了寒冬的寂寥(liáo),向人们传递着春天的喜讯, In our campus, there is a beautiful flowe
创新是一个民族的灵魂。培养学生的创新思维,发展其创新能力,是现代教育的目的,也是素质教育的核心。文章从以教材为例、以学生为本两方面分析了如何培养学生的创新能力。 I
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