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采用扫描电镜和光镜技术对真鲷的消化道进行了组织学和形态学研究。具发达颌齿的口咽腔之后,真鲷消化道由分化明显的食道、胃、小肠和直肠构成。口咽胶粘膜表面为复层上皮,其中含有林状细胞和味营,表层细胞具徽褶(脊);食道粘膜也衬着复层上皮,由表层具微褶(脊)的扁平细胞、中层的杯状细胞及底部的基底细胞组成,食道粘膜部分区域衬着单层柱状上皮;胃V形,粘膜表层为单层住状上皮,贲门部和盲囊部上皮下有一厚层胃腺组织;肠道短,相对长度为0.6左右,小肠上皮为具微绒毛的单层柱状上皮,直肠上皮为假复层上皮,两者上皮中均散布较多的杯状细胞。讨论了真鲷消化道组织学特征与消化、吸收的关系,认为真鲷消化道具典型动物食性消化道特征。 The histology and morphology of the digestive tract of the red sea bream were studied by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. After the development of maxillary oropharyngeal cavity, the digestive tract of the red sea bream consists of well-differentiated esophagus, stomach, small intestine and rectum. Oropharyngeal mucosal surface of the stratified epithelium, which contains the amygdala and taste camp, the surface cells with logo folds (ridge); esophageal mucosa is also lined with stratified epithelium, from the surface of the pleated (ridge) of the flat cells, the middle Goblet cells and basal cells at the bottom of the composition, part of the esophagus mucosa lining the columnar epithelium; gastric V-shaped mucosal surface of the monolayer of the epitaxial epithelium, the cardia and the Ministry of the sac of the capsule has a thick layer of gastric gland tissue; Road short, the relative length of about 0.6, the small intestine epithelial microvilli with a single columnar epithelium, rectal epithelium pseudostratified epithelium, both epithelial cells are more disseminated goblet cells. The relationship between the digestive tract histology and the digestion and absorption of the red sea bream was discussed, and the digestive tracts of the red sea bream were considered to be characteristic of the gastrointestinal tract.
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