The Influence of Culture Difference in English Teaching Practice

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  Abstract:Because of different geographical environment, historical story, and psychic conditions, there exists distinct culture differences between china and western countries among varified nations. Therefore, we acknowledge that concrete understanding of the culture difference mkes the very basis of the acquisition of English language for students, and thus they are likely to have an enhancement in interpersonal ability.
  Keywords:Culture Difference Teaching Practice Interpersonal Ability
  More and more scholars in English teaching field are having comtemplation and discussion about the current situations of English teaching in recent years. They object all-for-test eduacation and think that communication and application ability in English is the ultimost target of English teaching. However, they just did some adjustment based on the already existed methods. Interpersonal ability means that when English learners are talking to foreigners, they could easily say decent words according to the topics, contexts, and cultural background. It is this sort of competence that actually show us the understanding level towards the culture of western countries. What the English teachers should pay more attention on is the culture. English teachers are supposed to have the guidance and training in the background of culture teaching.
  1.Neccesity Analysis of Teaching Method Change
  National language reflected the national specialized features. The purpose of learning English is to fit to the new national and international situation and necessary communication in daily life. Actually English has close connection with Chinese language culture. So not only the high English language ability is required, but also the chinese language culture accomplishment.
  1.1 General Process of English Learning
  Firstly, we should be clear that the teaching targets in different stages are varified. The fist stage is about the students in primary schools and junior schools. Generally, their language assimilation is largely depended on LAD, that is to say, language acquisition device which was firstly put forward by the great linguist Chomsky in USA. And the language acquisition device is innate and it can be most powerful before 15 years old around. So as for English teachers, they should try their best to get rid of the chinese environment and creat environment of English, making it possible for students to feel and be close to English.
  And for junior high school and college students, their language level are mostly depended on the varified cognition. They take English as second language which is absolutely different with Chinese. They would usually inclined to explore the rules hidden behind the sentences.   1.2 Negative Transfer of Chinese
  When students are learning English, there does exist negative transfer. When facing these problems, English teachers are supposed to tell the distinction between Chinese and English. The part of speech in English is obviously more flexible than it is in Chinese, thus we should learn English in a westernized way.
  For instance, students may make sentences like“We together stand there talk”. Clearly this sentence is strongly affected by Chinese habbits of using langauge. As English teachers, our job is to get rid of the negative transfer as much as we can.
  Language reflects the different national culture, and culture diathesis restricts the overall quality of a nation. To some degrees, most students are forced to have English classes and to attend it. Educational field neglect the environmental factor in English learning, especially the culture.
  2.Method of Culture Infusion
  2.1 Culture Difference in Greeting
  We are used to have greeting like “have you ate”, “how much salaries do you get for a month”, “how old are you”, etc. But when you say similar things to western people, they would mostly have another totally different understanding. For the first one, “have you ate”, they would mistakenly think that you are going to treat them. And for the next two, they are offensive questions for them, because they are related to personal privacy. When they are greeting to each other, they prefer to talk about weather and transportation having nothing to do with pravicy. And the sentences they would like to choose are “How are you doing”, “How have you been”, etc.
  2.2 Chinese Idioms “油腔滑调”and “妙笔生辉”
  In China, when somebody is really good at speaking, usually they have notorious fame among people. People even don’t trust him that much, considering that he are used to say big words. But in western culture, they treat it as a kind of precious ability called eloguency which is inevitable even in president voting.
  Now we could easily understand the difference of meaning about the second proverb. China is popular with introverted personality. Mostly, they are inclined to write what they feel, and make it very literally beautiful. This action of writing is praised untill now. For this part, English speaking countries are with China.
  3.Ways to Know Culture Difference Better
  So what should we do to make students clearly know more about the culture difference between China and English speaking countries? And what’s more, to improve their practice ability of using English.   3.1 Creating Environment Which would Benefit the Assimulation of English Culture
  We should creat English learning environment. Teachers could invite foreign teachers and those people who are living in western countries for quite a long time to talk with students. Multimedia is also another useful tool to show students some movies, slides, and vedio material about English. We could give them some information about tv channels from English speaking countries. Listening to vedio programmes like BBC and VOA could get them familiar with English culture. All of these could make a favorable enhancement of their knowledge about foreign history, national tradition, and customes.
  3.2 Some Cultural Difference for Particular Word
  In daily teaching, the introduction of cultural meaning of some vocabularies is necessary. For example, the dragon in China is equal to great luckiness. Even the glance of it means luckiness. But on the contrary, dragon is taken as evil animals connecting with darkness and crimes in western countries.
  In the vocabulary about colors, the distinction can also be found. Now let’s take the color “white”for example. No matter in china or western countries, white mostly is connected to ubhappy things in some conditions. However, if someone tell a lie for consideration of other people, we call that “white lie”. Meanwhile, in both China and western countries, “white” stands for pure things, and that's why we always choose white wedding dress.
  3.3 Importance of Comparison between Two Cultures
  The comparison between two cultures is of much importance. English teachers should remind students of the historical connection between China and western countries. For instance, we should let students know that English native speakes greet each other in a diffferent way. And how to accept the gift in western countries is also expected to be introduced.
  In the process of teaching practice, we can’t only pay attention on the traditional language teaching, but also infuse some culture introduction and guidance, Focusing on the culture difference. Only in this way, can we achieve the ultimate goal of really improving students’ comprehensive English ability.
  [2]Samson,S.1982,Culture of the School and the Problem of Change. New York:Teachers College Press.
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