Removal of SO_4~(2-),uranium and other heavy metal ions from simulated solution by sulfate reducing

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zy3201869
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In the case of in-situ leaching of uranium,the primitive geochemical environment for groundwater is changed since leachant is injected into the water bearing uranium deposit.This increases the concentration of SO_4~(2-),uranium and other heavy metal ions and results in the groundwater contamination.The effects of pH values of the simulated solution on the reduction of SO_4~(2-)and the removal of uranium and other heavy metal ions by sulfate reducing bacteria(SRB)were studied.The results show that,when the pH value of the simulated solution is about 8,the reduction rate of SO_4~(2-)by SRB and the removal rate of uranium,Mn~(2+),Zn~(2+),Pb~(2+) and Fe~(2+)will reach their highest values.A bioremediation technique for remediation of groundwater in in-situ leaching uranium mine can be developed. In the case of in-situ leaching of uranium, the primitive geochemical environment for groundwater is changed since leachant is injected into the water bearing uranium deposit. Which increases the concentration of SO_4 ~ (2 -), uranium and other heavy metal ions and results in the groundwater contamination. The effects of pH values ​​of the simulated solution on the reduction of SO_4 ~ (2-) and the removal of uranium and other heavy metal ions by sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) were studied.The results show that, when the pH value of the simulated solution is about 8, the reduction rate of SO_4 ~ (2-) by SRB and the removal rate of uranium, Mn ~ (2 +), Zn ~ (2 +), Pb ~ and Fe ~ (2+) will reach their highest values. A bioremediation technique for remediation of groundwater in in-situ leaching uranium mine can be developed.
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例1 男性,60岁。突发复视、眼睑下垂2天入院,既往有高血压病史5年。查体:血压24/14kPa(180/105mmHg),意识清,右眼睑下垂,内收、上下视均不能,瞳孔0.4cm,光反射消失;左眼睑轻
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