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一、导读要求:1、了解义理、考据和辞章三者的相互关系,写文章必须在这三方面下功夫,才能把文章写好,从而提高写作能力。2、学习议论文的精读方法:通过分析文章论证结构,弄清段落层次的内在联系,即逻辑关系,了解作者思路、文章脉络,从而提高阅读分析能力。二、导读提示:本文是篇议论文,导读时应注意以下特点。1、篇幅较长,内容较深,涉及面广,引用材料较多,阐述的道理较抽象,这对于写作实践较少的中学生来说,阅读理解有—定困难。因而不必要 First, guided reading requirements: 1, understanding of the relationship between justice, textual criticism and chopsticks, writing articles must work hard in these three aspects in order to write the article well, so as to improve the writing ability. 2. Intensive Reading Method for Argumentative Essays: By analyzing the argument structure of the article, clarifying the internal relations of the paragraph level, that is, the logical relationship, understand the author’s thinking and the context of the article, thereby improving the reading analysis ability. Second, the introduction of tips: This article is a dissertation, guides should pay attention to the following characteristics. 1. Longer, deeper content, wider coverage, and more citations. The rationale for expounding is more abstract. For middle school students who have little practice in writing, reading comprehension is difficult. So unnecessary
急进性肾炎(Rapidly Progressive G-lomerulonephritis,简称RpG),又名亚急性肾炎、急性尿少无尿性肾炎、新月体肾炎或快速进行性肾炎,或恶性肾炎等,属增殖性肾炎。1942年Ell
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
对有些数学问题,倘若充分地挖掘题设与结论的内在联系,把问题与某个熟知的概念、公式、定理、图形联系起来,并恰当设计数学模型,就可得到富有新意的独特解法,举例如下. For