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今年7月2日,省委书记普朝柱同志前往昆明市西山区谷律乡木片厂、昆明木材厂进行了实地调查。在调查中,他赞扬昆明市木材家县公司为云南发展林产品,帮助农民脱贫致富带了个好头,在合理利用森林资源、维护生态平衡方面闯出了新路,立了功。下面是普朝柱同志的谈话摘录。普朝柱同志说,由木材加工企业扶持林区农民搞木片生产,木片厂又为加工企业提供原料的做法很好。云南林业要走这条路子才有希望。发展云南林业的目标是既要保住现有森林,又要有效地利用森林资源。实现这一目标的根本办法是要把低价值的消耗变成高价值的商品,其关键是要采取综合措施解决好农村能源问题。云南每年消耗森林资源3900多万立方米,而形成商品材的只有350万立方米,其 July 2 this year, Comrade General DPPC Comrade went to the village of Kunming Xishan Valley law wood chip factory, Kunming Timber Factory conducted a field survey. In the survey, he praised the timber company in Kunming Kunming County for the development of forest products to help farmers get out of poverty brought a good head, in the rational use of forest resources, safeguarding the ecological balance of a new path, made a success. The following is an excerpt from Comrade Zhao’s address. Pu Chazhu comrades said that wood processing enterprises to support forest farmers to engage in wood chip production, wood chip factories and processing enterprises to provide raw materials is very good practice. Yunnan forestry to go this path there is hope. The goal of developing Yunnan’s forestry is to not only preserve existing forests but also make effective use of forest resources. The fundamental solution to this goal is to transform low-value consumption into high-value commodities. The key is to take comprehensive measures to solve the rural energy problem. Yunnan consumes more than 39 million cubic meters of forest resources each year, while it only produces 3.5 million cubic meters of timber
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