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   British war leader Winston Churchill’sfoulmouthed1 104-year-old parrot refused to surrender to newshawks after a British newspaper tracked the bird down and dis-covered it was still alive. “They’ve been trying to let him talk all day, but he’s not saying much.” Said Sylvia Martin, who managed Heathfield Nurseries where par-rot Charlie has lived for the last 12 years. Charlie, who kept accompanying Churchill during World War II, wasoccasionally squawking2 four-letter obscenities3 about Hitler. But Martin told reporters that the bird had mellowed4. “He doesn’t say very much anymore—usually just hello and goodbye. But he does get so excited about music and dances to it. He’s very fit.”Charlie—invariably referred to as “he” despite being female—is now owned by Peter Oram, the garden center’s owner, Martin said. Oram’s father-in-law sold Churchill the bird and was asked to take it back after the prime minister died in 1965. Steve Nichols, founder of Britain’s National Parrot Sanctuary5, said that al-though parrots did not often live longer than 40 in the wild, some had lived up to 104.

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“The idea is that state institutions should not take economic steps that people notice. If people don’t notice, that is a good thing.”  “我的看法是国家机构不应该采取人们觉察得到的经济措施。人们觉察不到就是好事。”  获得2004年诺贝尔经济学奖的挪威经济学家芬恩