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   Twenty years ago, I began studying how people be-come millionaires. Surveying residents of posh neighbor-hoods across the country, I discovered something odd. Many people who live in expensive homes and drive luxury cars don’t have much wealth. They may earn a fair amount of money,but they spend it all.
   Then, I discovered something even odder, many people who have a great deal of wealth don’t live in posh neighbor-hoods. In one large metropolitan area I surveyed, fewer than half the millionaires lived in high-rent districts.
   That small insight changed my life. It led me out of an academic career(I was a professor of marketing at Georgia State University), inspired me to write three books on affluence, and made me an adviser to corporation that sold products to customers with high net profit.
   What most people don’t realize is that wealth isn’t the same as income. If you, make 1 million a year and spend 1 million, you’re not getting wealthier, you’re just living high. Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend.
   How do you become wealthy? There, too, most people have it wrong. It’s rarely luck or inheritance or even intelli-gence that builds fortunes. Wealth is more often the inex-orable1 result of a person’s hard work, perseverance2 and, most of all, self-discipline.
   Who tends to become wealthy? Not the exotic back-stabbers and dabblers in high finance you see depicted on TV. The average person with a net worth of 1 million or more is usually a businessman who has lived all his adult life in the same town. He owns a small factory, a chain store or a service company. Married once, and still married, he lives in a middle-class neighbor-hood3,next to people with a fraction of his wealth. He?蘖s compulsive4 saver and investor. And he has made his money on his own: 80% of American’s millionaires are the first-generation rich.
   So millionaires are dull? By Hollywood stan-dards, maybe. But these dull folks have something exciting to teach about money.
   Attitude is the greatest difference between millionaires and the rest of us.

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