Envoy of Compassion

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When he’s not playing basketball, internationally renowned athlete Yao Ming devotes himself to public service, being the face of the Special Olympic Games To many, Yao Ming is worthy of admiration both on and off the basketball court, as he has become more involved in public service, serving as the spokesman for the International Special Olympics since 2004. Yet he remains humble. When a reporter once asked Yao what he thought of When he’s not playing basketball, 堪称 distinguished athlete Yao Ming devotes himself to public service, being the face of the Special Olympic Games To many, Yao Ming is worthy of admiration both on and off the basketball court, as he has become more involved in public service, serving as the spokesman for the International Special Olympics since 2004. Yet he remains humble. When a reporter once asked Yao what he thought of
目的研究孕期流感病毒感染对后代小鼠肺组织形态和肺表面活性蛋白(surfactant protein,SP)-A、-D表达的影响,探讨影响机制。方法用非致死量甲型H1N1流感病毒A/四川/SWL1/2009
In terms of time, Beijing is drawing ever closer to the 2008 Olympic Games, with just two years to go. In terms of space, a new “Olympic City” has initially t
多么希望天下所有失意之人都能更洒脱一点,把那颗沉在水中的心放到空中飞翔,把孤独当做自由,把寂寞当成享受,这个世界将会少去多少痴男冤女! How I hope all the world’s f
1 QuestionsWhere are we headed? What needs to be done? How will our plan be executed? I understand;? Where we are headed. ? What results must be produced. ? Ho
安徽省金寨县是我国著名的将军县,在新中国建立后第一次授衔的1300多位开国将帅中,金寨籍59名位列其中。今年8月中旬,我们安徽省金寨县党史县志档案局一行三人,专程到南京总医院,看望我们县唯一健在的开国将军老红军詹大南。  詹大南,1914年生于金寨县槐树湾乡,1931年参加中国工农红军,参加了鄂豫皖苏区第二次至第四次反围剿战斗。1934年11月随红二十五军长征,到达陕北后,参加了劳山、直罗镇战役。