
来源 :临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wennny77
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小儿鼻息肉并非罕见,保守治疗并无良策;传统手术治疗操作复杂,并发症多,复发率高,故有人认为不是理想方法。我院自1987年12月~1991年3月应用Nd~(3+):YAG(掺钕铝石榴石)激光治疗小儿鼻息肉40例,疗效较好,兹介绍如下。一、临床资料男、女各20例,1岁4个月1例,3~+~7岁7例,7~+-10岁6例,10~+~15岁26例。双侧18例,单 Pediatric nasal polyps are not uncommon, conservative treatment is no good policy; traditional surgical treatment of complex, complicated and recurrence rate, so some people think that is not the ideal method. Our hospital from December 1987 ~ March 1991 Nd ~ (3 +): YAG (neodymium aluminum garnet) laser treatment of pediatric nasal polyps 40 cases, the effect is better, are introduced below. First, the clinical data of 20 males and 20 females, 1 year and 4 months in 1 case, 3 ~ + ~ 7 years in 7 cases, 7 ~ + -10 years in 6 cases, 10 ~ + ~ 15 years in 26 cases. Bilateral in 18 cases, single
Objective To investigate the effects of sodium selenite on telomerase activity, apoptosis and expression of TERT, c-myc and p53 in rat hepatocytes. Methods Sele
Rene95 powder and different substrates were selected to be conducted by the laser metal forming technique. It is found that the cladding layers with either colu
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目的探讨目前医院在用的自制棉布标准B-D包、一次性B-D测试包和模拟管腔型监测装置3种压力蒸汽灭菌器监测装置的实用性能。方法严格按照ISO 11140-4/5:2006.12.14的测试方法,
新生儿窒息是剖宫产术中胎儿娩出后常见的一种紧急情况 ,是造成新生儿死亡或伤残的主要原因之一[1] 。只有充分认识其护理的重要性 ,配合医师、麻醉师进行积极抢救和正确处理