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经验语法隐喻指相关语法隐喻关注的对象是经验性的语义内容,这些内容的识解方式与它们的日常表征方式错位,从而出现双重语义内容的交汇或耦合现象。先前的相关研究是纳入概念隐喻的总体称谓之下进行的,既没有明确区分经验语法隐喻和逻辑语法隐喻,更缺乏词汇语法级阶意识;这里从级阶角度梳理概念语法隐喻的经验侧面,包括逻辑语法隐喻可能涉及的经验因素,因而本文的经验隐喻概念包含从词到词组/短语到小句的词汇语法的所有级阶,故有词隐喻、词组/短语隐喻、小句隐喻,从而形成一个前者包含于后者的多级阶合取系统。这是系统探讨英语语法隐喻的第一步,也是重要一步,旨在对相关现象做深入探究,为高层次英语教育教学提供内容改革的参照框架。 The grammatical metaphor of experience means that the relevant metaphor of the relevant grammar focuses on the semantic content of the experience. The way of interpreting these contents is misplaced with their daily representation, resulting in the convergence or coupling of the dual semantic content. Previous related studies have been carried out under the general title of conceptual metaphor. There is neither a clear distinction between empirical grammatical metaphor and logical grammatical metaphor, nor a lexical grammatical level of consciousness. Here we review the empirical side of conceptual grammatical metaphor from a hierarchical perspective, including Therefore, the concept of empirical metaphor in this paper contains all levels of lexical grammar from word to phrase / phrase to clausal metaphor, so metaphorical phrase / phrase metaphor and clause metaphor can form a The former is included in the latter multi-level system. This is the first step in systematic exploration of the English grammar metaphor and an important step toward exploring the relevant phenomena in depth and providing a frame of reference for content reform in high-level English education and teaching.
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