Youth Campus

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shiyigudan
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  A familiar school bell ringing.When I heard this, an unknown emotion filled my heart.Dragging a suitcase across the campus, step by step out of the school gate, the campus life is about to be so the past, like a very long dream.The youth always passes so quickly, the students who are about to enter the internship, the students who are about to enter the society, the students who are about to leave the ivory tower, are you ready?
  More than ten years of hard study, think of parents looking forward to the eyes, and the expression of silence, 20 years old, always should do something.Excellent people are always quick to take their offer and leave the dormitory where they have lived for several years. Ordinary people have to go through campus recruitment again and again to experience the life they have never experienced before.Whatever the purpose, it is always to give their parents some comfort from decades of hard work.
  Coincidentally, I was the last person to lock our dorm door when I finally left the campus.There have been holidays to go home before, I was the last to go, but this time, feeling too different! Before that half an hour, I saw off the last roommate, the whole dormitory is empty, only me. It was a nice, sunny day, and the wind seemed to carry all the past with it as it passed through the bedroom.The quiet dormitory made me uncomfortable, and I had to play one or two upbeat songs to cheer me up.Four years say fast return really quick! On that day, I cleaned up the rest of the things in our dormitory. On the left was the tennis racket left by my roommates. I still remember that it was the most top-class sports equipment for people who love sports. Right is pasted on the wall to see me smile 4 years of idol poster, to tell the truth to see 4 years also not tired of, although say to have a few midnight dream to wake up, be frightened by him.Look at the picture we left on the wall, think of my roommates are gone, I am going to catch the train to the south, is really a little sad.Wherever we are in the future,all is well with each other.
  Wang guozhen has written sincerely : I don’t know, where is my pursuit, where is my path,ask the wind ask the rain ask the earth but no echo,years of silent flow,but who is always so melancholy, but who is always willing to be so confused,i want to fly,even without hard wings,i will sing, even if no one applauded for me, I use life and blood pave the way, there is no season, can stop the youth.   No one can deny the dreams of youth, and no one can ignore the faith of youth.Young we may still be a little confused now, but will not give up their own young frivolous.Just the other day, I felt with my friend that some young people mature too early, while others mature too late.My friend laughed at me and said, as if you are not a young man.But this is not a concept.I always felt that before our group of young people had reached maturity, the next group of children younger than us were already in front of us.Friends laugh at me to change the concept, maturity is not older is more mature. A real mature person, need to have the ability to take the risks of life, not need to be transferred to their own risk.I also laugh, I can’t be outdone by children younger than me. I will leave the campus, but my youth is not over, so the goal is in the prime of youth, let oneself become a mature person!
  Standing at the school gate, thinking of all that was about to leave, time passed so fast, there was no pause. The world and gives birth to shapes innumetable. However, I was lucky to meet that group of people and study and live with them for four years. But now, I will walk down my lonely road firmly. Remember that group of people ah, always happy to talk and smile day. Four years, think a long time, but it is so short, the past is still the same, the present is repeating the scene of four years ago, the most precious is that the memory is not fuzzy.This just again sigh, time flies,Together we will encourage each other to move forward.
  [1]Tagore.Sorrow of separation[J].
面对持续升温的全球“汉语热”,国际汉语的不断发展急需新能量的注入。大规模、开放式在线教学“MOOC(以下简称慕课)”正在全球范围迅速发展,新型慕课教育利用先进的科学技术,有利于扩大优质教育资源覆盖范围,进一步激发受众的学习兴趣。一、SWOT分析法的概念与应用  SWOT分析法也称为态势分析法,是企业常用的战略分析方法,后来也被借鉴到高校战略环境分析中,它最早是由哈佛商学院的肯尼思·安德鲁斯教授于1
【摘要】现代信息技术的发展带来了教与学模式的变革,测评作为教学的重要组成部分正面临新的挑战和机遇。本文分析了英语专业目前测评模式存在的主要问题,提出在教育信息化背景下,英语专业测评应围绕“教师测试素养”“测评内容”“测评方式”“评价结果有效利用”几个方面进行改革探索。  【关键词】英语专业;测评;高等教育信息化  【作者简介】吴 琼(1970.04-),女,汉族,黑龙江哈尔滨人,沈阳师范大学外国语
听力教学是新课标下初中英语教学的重要组成部分,是发展学生听力能力的一个重要路径。然而,基于中考英语考试试卷内容分配的特殊性,听力教学可能在英语教学中的地位不高,或者会直接采取反复聆听听力材料的方式进行听力教学,缺乏系统化听力教学指导,以至于影响了学生英语听力能力的发展。基于此,如何才能有效促进初中生英语听力能力发展是当前值得深入探讨的一个重要话题。  一 、加强语音基础知识教学,夯实听力教学基础 
【摘要】本文依托语言认知和教学理论提出几种适合用于读前、读中和读后环节的词汇教学策略。读前环节可以采用直观教学法、思维导图法、情境导入法来激活学生图式背景,为阅读做准备;读中环节可以采用体验式教学法、附带习得法和英语释义法来帮助学生在体验活动中完成任务、理解文本并巩固词汇;读后环节可以采用叙事教学法和窄式阅读法来加强学生的體验,拓展学生的阅读,提升学生对词汇的掌握。  【关键词】阅读课;词汇教学;
【摘要】写作是英语学习的一项重要的输出技能,是对学习者英语的较高层次的要求。推动学习者掌握优秀写作能力的因素方方面面,即体现在英语学习的内在环境,也体现在影响英语学习的外在环境。本文立足于英语专业学生的学习实际,分析学生在写作学习过程中的主要问题,从词汇、语篇、写作素养的培养、思维能力的培养等方面制定出能够有效提升写作能力的有效建议。  【关键词】英语学习;英语专业写作;研究策略  【作者简介】张
【摘要】如今,小学英语的教学不仅需要老师能够带领学生们打下坚实的英语基础,还需要注重培养小学生们的英语综合能力。而小学英语阅读教学正好是检验与提高学生们英语综合能力的一个重要方法。所以,本篇文章在此就针对如何提高小学英语阅读教学的有效性而进行了一些探讨。  【关键词】小学英语;阅读教学;有效性  【作者简介】谢雯珊,福建省浦城县实验小学。  众所周知,小学英语的阅读教学对于提高学生们的英语综合能力
【摘要】多模态语料库始建于20世纪90年代,是一种以计算机为辅助工具应用于语言学习的新型语料库。不同于传统的纯文本语料库,多模态语料库收集的语料集合了文字、视频、音频、图像等,可多维度展示语言的全貌。本文通过对多模态语料库发展历程以及特点的梳理分析,探讨多模态语料库在外语教学中针对词汇、视听、口语、口译以及文化教学方面的具體应用。  【关键词】语料库;多模态语料库;外语教学  【作者简介】牛原(1
【摘要】词汇教学需要遵循一些基本的原则:1.在趣味活动中导入;2.要分层级学习词汇;3.要创设运用词汇的活动,让学生在使用中加深理解和记忆;4.要使用一些刻意练习的手段。  【关键词】词汇教学;趣味活动;词汇层级;词汇运用;高频重复  【作者简介】池涛 (1982.09-),男,内蒙古自治区人,内蒙古苏尼特右旗第二中学,中学一级教师,本科,研究方向:初中英语实效化课堂教学。  一、“趣”字当头,设
【摘要】时装及其风格的翻译受到时代和受众地区语言的影响,翻译应顺应时代、继承传统、词物相搭、言简意赅和意象结合。不同的外来时装应选择不同的翻译策略,一般采用音译、意译等翻译方法。本文针对时装受众群体的理解需求,对采用什么样的翻译方法进行论述。  【关键词】翻译;时装;风格;翻译原则;翻译方法  【作者简介】周天琦,王旭晨,哈尔滨工程大学。  随着外国各种形式时装的引进,中国语言学者为区分同一类型的