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以丹江口库区五龙池小流域为研究区,通过定点观测,探讨了土层厚度对土壤水分时空格局的影响.结果表明:土壤含水量在降雨后立即升高,随后逐渐降低,空间异质性则相反.不同土层厚度剖面含水量差异显著.其中,0~20cm厚度的土壤剖面含水量较低,与降雨有相似的变化趋势,季节变异大;中等厚度(20~40cm)的土壤水分受降雨特征影响,剖面含水量居中,季节变异中等;较大厚度(>40cm)的土壤的剖面含水量较高,季节变异小.土壤水分的剖面格局是降雨、蒸发蒸腾和渗漏综合作用的结果,半湿润期呈增长型,湿润期呈波动型,干旱期包括增长型和波动型.土壤剖面含水量与土层厚度呈显著正相关,相关系数在0.630~0.855.土层厚度与表层(0~15cm)土壤水分相关不显著,但与中下层(20~55cm)土壤水分显著相关. Taking Wulongchi small watershed in Danjiangkou reservoir area as a study area, the effects of soil thickness on the spatio-temporal distribution of soil moisture were discussed through point observation.The results showed that the soil water content increased immediately after rainfall, then gradually decreased and the spatial heterogeneity The results showed that the water content in the sections with different depths was significantly different, of which, the 0-20 cm soil profiles had lower water content and a similar trend with rainfall, with larger seasonal variability. Soil water with medium thickness (20-40 cm) Under the influence of rainfall characteristics, the profile moisture content was middle and the seasonal variation was moderate. The profile water content of the soil with larger thickness (> 40cm) was higher and the season variation was smaller.The soil water profile was the combination of rainfall, evapotranspiration and leakage As a result, the semi-humid period showed an increasing type, the wetting period showed a fluctuating type, and the dry period included both an increasing type and a fluctuating type. The correlation between the soil moisture content and the thickness of the soil layer showed a significant positive correlation with a correlation coefficient of 0.630 to 0.855. 0 ~ 15cm) soil moisture was not significant, but with the middle and lower layers (20 ~ 55cm) soil moisture was significantly correlated.
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