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随着英属印度民族主义运动的发展,英国不得不在印度进行宪政改革,以此来维护它在印度的殖民统治。这个时期,英属印度共进行过五次宪政改革。1919年和1935年的宪政改革是论文阐述的重点。1919年的宪政改革使印度的省级政府初步建立了责任政府制,也标志着英国殖民者开始向印度民族主义者移交权力。而1935年的宪政改革使印度的省级政府真正地建立了责任政府制,印度民族主义者开始掌握地方权力,但这也导致英属印度附属省的分离。在这两次宪政改革之后,英印帝国逐渐走向灭亡。 With the development of the British Indian nationalist movement, Britain had to carry out constitutional reforms in India in order to preserve its colonial rule in India. During this period, British India conducted a total of five constitutional reforms. The constitutional reforms in 1919 and 1935 are the focus of the dissertation. The constitutional reform of 1919 led to the initial establishment of a responsible government by the provincial government in India. It also marked the beginning of British colonialists’ transfer of power to Indian nationalists. The 1935 constitutional reform so that India’s provincial government really established a responsible government system, Indian nationalists began to grasp the local authority, but it also led to the separation of the British Indian subsidiary province. After these two constitutional reforms, the Anglo-Indo-British empire gradually came to an end.
在潮波动力学中,底摩擦在潮波之间的相互作用中起着很大的作用。本文将与速度平方成正比的底摩擦项展成一个Fourier级数,并讨论了底摩擦引起的潮波之间的相互干扰。 由非线性
海洋真光层中的叶绿素α浓度是水柱中浮游植物生物量的一种量度。因此,一个海区中叶绿素α的测量可作为该海区初级生产力大小的基本参数。 The chlorophyll-a concentration
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This study demonstrated the influence of addition concentration of La3+ on the anti-corrosion behavior of a 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane(MPS) film forme
导言概述按 Demaisoa 等(1980)分类,现代缺氧环境大多形成于较局部的海区。但在特定地史时期,大洋和边缘海的大部分海底都曾经常形成缺氧环境。形成古缺氧盆地的地质背景和