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打击刑事犯罪.做好新时期刑侦工作,“责任重于泰山”。1河南作为我国中西部地区经济发展的前沿,近年来,随着改革的深入,社会经济生活日益丰富,城乡一体化进程加快,人口流动量骤增,交通运输线路不断延伸,致使刑事犯罪活动的变化也显得十分迅速而激烈,案件数量大量增加。1983年至1989年,全省共立刑事案件36万余起,1990年至1996年,立案总数达到70万起,比7年前增加了近一倍。农村面积大,农民人口多,致使河南农村许多治安案件恶性化,民事案件刑事化,刑事案件复杂化农村发案多,犯罪成员农民成分大,是河南刑事犯罪活动的一个显著特点,这与河南是农业大省有着密切关系。每年发生在农村、乡镇的刑事案件在全省刑事案件总量中占一半以上。改革开放以来,由于利益关系的重新调整,农村各类矛盾伴生并发,加之许多农民文化水平相对较低,法制观念淡薄,自控自制能力较低,特别是某些偏辟的村庄,仍处于治安空档状态,这使社会不安定因素和隐患增多。 To crack down on criminal offenses and do a good job in criminal investigation in the new period, “responsibility is more important than Taishan”. As the frontier of economic development in the central and western regions of China, Henan has become the frontier of economic development in central and western regions in recent years. With the deepening of reform and the ever-increasing social and economic life, the process of urban-rural integration is accelerating. The flow of population is increasing rapidly and the transportation routes are continuously extended. As a result, The changes also appeared to be very rapid and intense with a substantial increase in the number of cases. From 1983 to 1989, there were more than 360,000 criminal cases in the province. From 1990 to 1996, the total number of cases filed reached 700,000, an increase of nearly double that of seven years ago. The large area of ​​rural areas and the large population of peasants led to the viciousness of many public security cases in rural Henan. The criminalization of civil cases, the complicated criminal cases, and the large number of peasants in criminal cases constituted a notable feature of criminal activities in Henan. Is a big province of agriculture is closely related. Every year criminal cases in rural areas and townships account for more than half of the total criminal cases in the province. Since the reform and opening up, due to the readjustment of interest relations, the contradictions in rural areas have been accompanied by concurrency. In addition, many peasants have a relatively low level of education, weak legal concept and low self-control and self-control ability. In particular, some deviated villages are still in the air of law and order File status, which makes the social instability factors and hidden dangers increased.
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