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《新疆日报》2014年1月3日头版有篇题为《呼图壁种牛场成为西北最大高档肉牛扩繁基地》的新闻,文章最后一句是这样说的:“2014年还将投入1.2亿元,建一座年出栏6万头牛、30万只羊的现代化屠宰加工厂,进行肉牛肉羊的深加工。”句中的“出栏”一词显然不妥。“栏”本指栏杆。后来饲养 The front page of Xinjiang Daily on January 3, 2014 contains an article titled “Hutubi Breeding Cattle Became the Largest High-Grade Beef Cattle Expansion Base in Northwest China”. The last sentence of the article is like this: “2014 will also be invested 120 million yuan, to build a slaughter of 60,000 cattle, 300,000 sheep modern slaughter and processing plant, the deep processing of beef cattle sheep. ”Sentence “ slaughter ”is obviously inappropriate. “Bar ” This refers to the railing. Later feeding
【正】 Steady growth in production Polymer emulsion has been widely applied for its advantages such as good adhesiveproperties,colorless and transparent film,sa
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Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises will see good performances this year.In the first three quarters of 2008,they had a signifi-cant growth compared to the same
报道了广东雷州英峰岭火山碎屑岩中首次发现的麻粒岩相岩石捕虏体 ,其中高压石榴麻粒岩捕虏体在我国极为罕见 .石榴麻粒岩在矿物组成和矿物化学上与辉石麻粒岩有很大的区别 .
Silicon fertilizers are series of mineral fertil-izers mainly containing calcium silicate orsodium silicate and other silicates.In the1970s some people thought
【正】 On October 14th,2008 China issued a draftreform of the country’s healthcare systemin an effort to solicit public opinion."In-creased healthcare funding