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中国近代哲学的变革最突出地体现在历史观领域 :古代历史观的特点是复古主义和循环论 ,儒家、墨家都在“法先王”的旗帜下寻找安身立命和治国平天下的依据 ,由此引发了中国人因循守旧的思维方式和圣贤情结 ;近代历史观的核心是进化主义 ,由此推出了对未来的憧憬和渴望。近代思想家不仅具体描绘了人类社会由低向高依次进化的过程 ,而且勾勒了一幅幅未来世界的理想蓝图。随着圣贤在近代的日益落破 ,英雄成为人们心目中崇拜的新偶像。这使抛弃复古观念、向往美好未来成为近代历史观的主旋律。中国近代的进化史观不仅蕴涵着深厚的哲学底蕴 ,而且折射着近代哲学在思维方式、价值观念等方面的创新与变革 ,在历史上产生了深远的影响。 The most obvious manifestation of the change of Chinese modern philosophy is embodied in the field of view of history: the ancient view of history is characterized by the theory of revivalism and circulation. Confucianists and Mohist masters are seeking the basis for settling down their lives and governing the country under the banner of “the law being the first king” The Chinese are following the old ways of thinking and the knots of the sages. The core of modern history is evolutionism, which gives rise to the longing for the future. Modern thinkers have not only concretely described the evolution of human society from low to high, but also outlined the ideal blueprint for the future world. As sages become increasingly broken in modern times, the hero becomes a new idol of worship in people’s minds. This makes abandoned the retro concept, longing for a better future has become the theme of modern history. The modern history of China’s evolutionary history not only contains profound philosophical heritage, but also reflects the innovation and transformation of modern philosophy in terms of ways of thinking and values, which have had a profound impact in history.
阳光明媚的春天,正是带孩子养花种草的好时光。和孩子一起洒下种子,看着它慢慢发芽开花,让孩子体会生命的美好与奇妙,不光很有乐趣,也很有意义。 Sunny spring, it is a goo
黝黑黝黑的泥土揉进祖祖辈辈的汗珠权作对丰收最古老的投资 Dark, dark soil rubbing into the sweat of the ancestors of the right harvest on the oldest investment