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  According to the new rules for a planet adopted at an International Astronomical Union meeting in Prague, Pluto doesn’t make the grade for a planet: “a celestial body that is in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit”.
  Lu Xinning, mother of a four-year-old, feels awkward explaining to her son that he has to revise the knowledge he has just acquired about the solar system. The boy learned from his mother that our solar system had nine planets.
  But this statement is now obsolete, as on Aug, 24 afternoon about 2,500 astronomers from 75 nations voted in Prague to deprive puny Pluto of its planetary status under a new universal definition of a planet.
  Sixty-one Chinese astronomers took part in the vote sponsored by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the official arbiter of heavenly objects. It is reported that they had different opinions about the new definition.
  The issue has aroused interest and bewilderment in China, which has been carrying out astronomical research for more than two thousand years.
  Some say the IAU’s resolution “reflects modern understanding of the solar system”, while others say they feel sorry about Pluto’s demotion. Teachers are anxious as textbooks have been printed and released to the remotest corner of the country for schoolchildren who are ready to start a new semester in a week. Yet the textbooks express the out-of-date position about the number of planets in the solar system.
  Wang Sichao, a planet expert with the Zijinshan Astronomical Observatory based in Nanjing, said, “The demotion is a scientific result and it reflects the current understanding of humankind about the solar system.”
  Zhao Zhiheng, a member of the Astronomy Association from Tianjin, suggested that primary-and middle-school teachers be trained in the revised knowledge, and that media carry more stories to let more people know about the revision as soon as possible.
  China boasts the world’s earliest records of solar and lunar eclipses and the richest and most systematic documents concerning the observation of celestial phenomena.
  China was also the first country to use equatorial coordination in astronomical observation and the first to record the Halley’s comet.
  China maintained its astronomical traditions until the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) when astronomy began to fall into neglect. The discipline has regained its luster over the past few decades. Now China has begun to carry out its own deep space missions and is set to join a worldwide planetary probe.
  Wang Sichao said IAU’s decision will positively influence the astronomical sector and the space industry in China. “We must first get a clear definition of planets and the solar system, then we can carry out planetary probe missions in a better way.”
摘要:本文从自读感知阶段的“策马扬鞭”、精读领悟阶段的“寻根探源”、诵读表达阶段的“情深则境出”以及课外阅读中的“去粗取精”这四个方面谈了阅读教学的策略,为学生插上了一双多彩的翅膀。  关键词:阅读教学 自读 精读 诵读 课外阅读  一篇课文的教学,自读感知、精读领悟和诵读表达是必不可少的三个阶段,但有些教师往往只重视精读领悟阶段。孰不知,虽然自读感知阶段是基础,但缺少了诵读表达,学生对课文的理解
<正> 鸦片战后,中国门户洞开,伴随着西方殖民主义者的隆隆炮声,凭借不平等条约,西方传教士纷至沓来。他们为了给传教活动铺平道路,大都重视兴办各类学校,其中新教教士的办学活动尤为突出。本文仅就新教教士在中国办教育的动机、活动类型及其社会影响略作探讨。
<正> 1924年10月第二次直奉战争后至北伐战争爆发时,冯玉祥国民军与张作霖奉系军阀两大政治军事集团,竞相争斗,纵横离合于中国历史舞台。分析掌握国奉关系演变的轨迹,不难探寻到这一时期政潮起伏、战乱纷繁,以及革命与反革命势力消长的内在联系。这对于北洋军阀史乃至中华民国史的研究,都有重要意义。
摘要:如何让学生在学习文化知识的同时发展美术素质教育呢?在美术教育课中,教师应激发学生学习的热情,让学生愿意参加到教学活动中来,使学生变为教学主体,让学生主动学习。本文针对小学生的身心发展特点及对美术的认识,采取一些教学措施,激起学生学习美术的兴趣。  关键词:小学;美术兴趣;激起  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)06-041-2  一、提高学生对美