Implications to Input of English Teaching Brought By Interaction Theory

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  While discussing Krashen’s input theory, it is very easy to find that the problems appear in English teaching are related with the theory, and they have provided beneficial implications for the solutions to the problems.
  1、Improving the Comprehensible Input of English Teaching
  1.1、The lack of Language Environment
  At many circumstances, learning English is based on classes. This kind of teaching make the lesson become an extremely important way to provide students with comprehensible input. Since the traditional teacher-centered English teaching emphasizes explanations, understanding and repeated practice of grammar, but neglects to let students themselves to get in touch with, to use and to conclude the rules existing in the language through practicing, which make the comprehensible input provided for students very limited in class teaching.And the lack of comprehensible input is bad for students to develop their language ability. So, to change the condition is what English teachers must do.
  1.2 、Some Practicable Methods to Improve Language Environment
  According to the input theory,when teachers are providing comprehensible input for students, firstly, they should start from interaction, make use of every helpful teaching objectives, electric machine and body language to guide them to understand the input.Secondly, teachers should try their best to use English in class, and “teacher talk” should be modified to the level which is close to the students.Thirdly, teachers should not compel their students to “output” too early, but it is necessary to encourage them to “output”, to use some “interlanguage” to stimulate their interests. Fourthly, as for the beginners, when they are expressing in English, teachers should not correct them too often, so that they would accept “input” more voluntarily which will help them learn more effectively. If teachers can do these in English teaching, “input” will enter students’ language acquisition device, and become their language acquisition ability through “internalization”.
  2、Improving the Quality and Quantity of Language Input of English teaching in China
  2.1、Problems Existing in Input
  It is a widespread problem in China that the abilities of communication and reading of our students are very poor. And the main reason is the lack of input language information. ZHANG Lupin (1999:41) suggests that the lack of language input in China firstly reflects on the lack of words. Secondly, the quality of language input is not good enough. Because of the limitation of the amount of words, the authentication of input is weakened. For example, the original edition needs to be modified to get rid of those words which are not included in the teaching outline. This kind of input greatly hinders the students from using English fluently, appropriately and correctly during communication, and improvement of reading.
  2.2、Some Practicable Methods to Improve the Quality and Quantity of Input
  As far as the quality and quantity of the language input is concerned, the environment of English teaching in China needs to be created and especially the textbooks need some important adjustment and reformation. In recent years, our country has introduced a series of English textbooks; Zhang Lupin(1999:24) suggests that these textbooks have three common features: 1) their language is authentic; 2) they suit the interests and needs of learners; 3) they can be used to hold some meaningful class activities. What is more, these textbooks include the language which is from the real life, and they have an extensive language resource. And all these features are worth learning. So, it is necessary for us to continue to improve the authenticity of the “language input”, to reform the forms of it to build up a more perfect system of language teaching.
  3、Creating an Environment of English Learning with Less Emotion Obstacles
  3.1、Teachers’ Neglecting of Emotion Obstacles in China
  Krashen suggests that comprehensible input works only when the emotion filter is low. During the process of receiving input, students will unconsciously throw away the input they psychologically disagree, and let the agreed input enter the language acquisition device in brain.However, during the practical teaching, teachers often neglect the emotion of students. At this kind of circumstance, no matter how hard the teacher works, he will never reach an expected effect.
  3.2、Some Practicable Methods to Build an Amiable Environment for English Learning
  From the viewpoint of teaching psychology, one of the factors which affects the efficiency of learning is the controlling of emotion of learners.And all these factors have “positive” and “negative” influences. Through practice, we have found that positive elements can stimulate students’ interests and motivations, strengthen their self-confidence, low down their useless anxieties to make them accept input positively and enthusiastically which will promise them a good effect on their learning.So, English teachers should build such an environment of input which is happier and more authentic through interesting teaching to help students low down anxieties.Today, the method of English teaching used in other countries are worth learning, such as “natural approach”, “silent way”, “total physical response” and “suggestopedia” and so no, but they need to be adjusted to the Chinese situation.
  From these great works we can get a lot of implications for foreign language teaching and help
  us find more efficient ways to improve the situations of foreign language learning.
  [1]Krashen, Second language acquisition and second language learning. [M]. Oxford: Per gamon. 1981.
《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》,确定了改革目标,制订了各门课程改革的指导纲要。新课程标准要求,不仅应该注重科学知识的传授和技能的训练,注重将政治科学的新成就及其对人类文明的影响等纳入课程,而且还应重视对学生终身学习愿望、科学探究能力、创新意识以及科学精神培养。  在新课程改革中,政治教师应更加注重对学生科学探究能力和科学精神的培养。新课标将其纳入实际教学工作中,从根本上改变了过去比较单一的老师讲
摘要:兴趣是最好的老师,在学习中,学生一旦对某一学科产生兴趣,必然会产生学习的主动性和积极性,从而用心去学习。对于,英语教学来说,英语教学的成功与否,很大程度上取决于对英语的兴趣,如何激发学生的学习兴趣,并保持它,使之成为他们学习的动力,正是趣味教学考虑的出发点。  关键词:初中英语 趣味教学     “语言这东西,不是随便可以学好的”,学本族语如此,学习英语更是如此。但是如果教学得法,便可事半功
在教学过程中,初中生普遍感到困难的是记忆单词。为了提高学生的记忆效率,我在试用新教材的过程中,对如何提高学生的记忆力方面作了一些探索。  记单词是学生学英语的一个薄弱环节,如何帮助学生在单位时间内最高效率地牢牢记住所学的词汇,只有解决了效率的问题,才能既减轻学生的负担,又提高教学质量,我们要向效率要时间,而不是用时间补效率,这是我们英语教师要致力研究的课题。  那么,应该如何在课堂教学中有意识地培
【摘 要】在中国语言文学历史的长河中,歌颂祖国大好河山、寄情山水的文学犹如璀璨群星。这些文学名句时常被引用来进行地理教学,来激发学生的学习兴趣,对于活跃课堂气氛,全面提高学生的综合文化素质,具有一定的借鉴意义。  【关键词】文学名句 地理教学    由于我国地域辽阔,不同区域所处的纬度位置、海陆位置,加上地形等自然要素的影响,形成了各个区域在气候、地貌、水文、土壤、植被等方面的差异。这种自然环境的
基础教育课程改革正在紧锣密鼓地进行,教师的教育观念、教育方式、教学行为等都要发生很大的转变,教师应进行必要的角色调试,由知识的传授者转向学习的参与者、促进者指导者以适应改革的大潮。  在新课程中,传统意义上被认为是知识传授者的教师的教与学生的学,将不断让位于师生互教互学,彼此将形成一个真正的“学习共同体”。当学生在自主观察、实验或讨论时,教师并不是清闲的,而是积极地看,积极地听,真实地感受学生的所
儿童是祖国的未来,是社会主义事业的希望所在。“留守儿童”必须也应当受到全社会的关爱和帮助。学校,是儿童的第二个家,应当为“留守儿童”的健康成长提供有力的保障。历史教育,不仅要传授人类社会发展的客观规律、史实,更要以史育人,以史造人。  一、我国“留守儿童”状况  “留守儿童”,据全国妇联在北京公布的《农村留守儿童状况调查报告》,是指父母双方或一方从农村流动到其他地区,孩子留在户籍所在地农村,并因此
摘要:概念是反客观事物本质属性的抽象形式。数学概念是科学地掌握数学知识的前提。通过教学使学生明确所学的概念,对学生系统地掌握数学知识特别重要。对小学数学中的概念,我有几点理解和做法供大家参考。  关键词:小学 数学 概念    一、抓住概念的要点和关键  在教学概念时,要指导学生抓住概念的要点和关键性字词,并用钢笔加上着重符号,以强化注意。如教学“分数的基本性质”时,我就指导学生抓住“平均分”这一
如何在课堂教学中引导学生最大限度地参与教学的全过程,自主学习,努力探索,真正成为学习的主人,同时要努力地改变学生的学习方式,变接受型的被动学习为探索型,发现型的学习。下面就以“低年级解决实际问题”为例谈谈自己的具体做法和体会:  一、自学中培养学生独立思考的能力  就学习过程而言,独立思考是学好知识的前提。而学习数学要重在理解,想清道理。只是教师讲解,却没有学生独立思考,就不可能很好地消化所学知识
【摘 要】一堂课的成功,必须注重导入新课的艺术。新课导入可起到事半功倍的作用,教师在教学中应重视新课的导入,只有通过形式多样的导入方法,才能提高我们的教学效果。  【关键词】导入艺术 激发兴趣 效果    导入是一堂课的开始,它是一堂课效果好坏的关键,在一堂课中,新课导入得好,能激发学生的情感和学习兴趣,收到先声夺人、引人入胜的教学效果。导入新课要讲究艺术和方法。初中语文课导入新课,我认为可以从以