Environmental and Compositional Effects on the Hot-Corrosion Behavior of Ni-Based Alloys and Coating

来源 :中国腐蚀与防护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuzi1976
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Environmental and compositional factors often influence the hot-corrosion behavior of alloys and coatings used in gas turbine engine applications.This presentation examines the effects of environmental factors such as salt deposition rate,gas composition,and extent of oxidation on the hot-corrosion resistance(TypeⅠ-900℃and TypeⅡ-704℃) of Ni-based alloys and coatings.It also evaluates the effects of Pt-modified b-NiAl alloy composition on hot-corrosion resistance.Both types of hot corrosion conditions were simulated by depositing Na_2SO_4 salt on the test samples and then exposing those samples to a catalyzed O_2:SO_2 atmosphere.It will be shown that TypeⅠhot corrosion resistance tends to decrease with increase in salt deposition rate up to 8 mg/cm~2;however,no measurable hot corrosion was observed when the sample was completely buried in a salt.It will also be shown that the TypeⅡhot corrosion resistance of Pt-modified Ni-based alloys is very sensitive to both alloy and gas composition. Environmental and compositional factors often often the hot-corrosion behavior of alloys and coatings used in gas turbine engine applications. This presentation examines the effects of environmental factors such as salt deposition rate, gas composition, and extent of oxidation on the hot-corrosion resistance ( Type I-900 ° C and Type II-704 ° C) of Ni-based alloys and coatings. It also evaluates the effects of Pt-modified b-NiAl alloy compositions on hot-corrosion resistance. Both types of hot corrosion conditions were simulated by depositing Na_2SO_4 salt on the test samples and then exposing those samples to a catalyzed O_2: SO_2 atmosphere. It will be shown that Type Ⅰhot corrosion resistance tends to decrease with increase in salt deposition rate up to 8 mg / cm ~ 2; however, no measurable hot corrosion was observed when the sample was completely buried in a salt. It will also be shown that the type IIhot corrosion resistance of Pt-modified Ni-based alloys is very sensitive to both alloy and gas composition.
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