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公民月收入逾800元者需纳税,这本应造就一个庞大的“纳税群”,然而,由于我国个人收入多元化、隐蔽化,加之管理制度跟不上,致使1991年1月1日实施的新的《个人所得税法》,仍然未能顺利贯彻执行,税款流失严重。于是,人们在谴责一些偷逃税款的高收入者时,更期待政府以及有关部门拿出强有力的监控措施。 Citizens monthly income of more than 800 yuan who need to pay taxes, which should create a huge “taxpayers,” However, due to diversification of our personal income, covert, coupled with the management system can not keep up, resulting in January 1, 1991 implementation The new “Personal Income Tax Law,” still failed to successfully implement the tax loss serious. Therefore, when people condemn the high income earners who evade taxes, they also expect the government and relevant departments to come up with powerful monitoring measures.
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爱林牌 (AILIN)牌WZR BM5 “突变畸变细胞分类计数仪”是由江苏省苏州市东吴医用电子仪器厂研制生产的医用电子产品。随着人类社会的发展 ,人们在生产、生活、医疗和科学研究活动中与辐
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