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一年来,我会在省、市科协及省、市建委和挂靠单位广州市市政管理局市园林局的领导下,认真贯彻落实党的十四届五中全会及中国科协“五大”会议精神,较好地发挥学会这个群众团体的作用,在自身组织建设、开展学术交流和科普宣传、技术咨询服务等方面都取得了一定的成绩。1995年11月我会被中国风景园林学会评为1994-1995年度先进集体;伦永兼、王缺、许惠浓、吴培德四位同志被评为中国风景园林学会先进工作者。本学会今年又被广州市科协评为先进集体(已经是连续十年获此荣誉)。挂靠单位分管学会工作的副局长、学会副理事长吴劲章同志被广州市科协评为促进科协工作奖。苏苡等8 In the past year, I will earnestly implement the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee and the 5th Conference of the China Association for Science and Technology under the leadership of the provincial and municipal science and technology associations, and provincial and municipal construction commissions and the affiliated Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Municipal Administration Bureau of Landscaping. Spirit, better play the role of the society as a mass group, and achieved certain achievements in its own organization, academic exchanges, popular science propaganda and technical consulting services. In November 1995, I was awarded the Advanced Collective of 1994-1995 by the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture; the four comrades Lun Yonghe, Wang Wei, Xu Hui-nong, and Wu Peide were selected as the advanced workers of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture. This year, the Academy was awarded the Advanced Collective by the Guangzhou Association of Science and Technology (has been honored for ten consecutive years). The deputy director of the affiliate organization in charge of the work of the Association, Vice Chairman of the Society Wu Jinzhang was awarded the Award for Promoting the Association for Science and Technology by the Guangzhou Association of Science and Technology. Su Shi et al 8
(9月28日)一个甲子的轮回,60年悄然而过。13亿中华儿女迎来了新中国60岁生日。60年的艰难征程,流逝的是辛酸,沉淀的是甘甜。60年前,四万万受苦受难的人们饥肠辘辘、居 (Sept
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2012年10月24、25日,全国语文特级教师余映潮先生亲自来到我校,为语文科组的全体教师进行了两天的封闭培训。两天里,我重新静心听课,再次重温了学生时代的感觉,余老师用精湛的上课艺术和超强的事业心征服了我。  一、钻研教材的力度  余映潮老师在板块式教学方面颇有深究,多年前已经在祖国大江南北享有盛誉,虽然早在工作以前就拜读过他的《听余映潮讲课》,但是以往外出听课以及2010年末在学校里亲自倾听余
纪念日扫描: 9月3日,中国抗日战争胜利纪念日;9月8日,世界扫盲日;9月9日,毛泽东逝世纪念日;9月10日,教师节;9月14日,世界清洁地球日;9月16日, Day of the Sweep: September
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.