
来源 :公民与法(法学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justle
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随着我国参与国际事务程度的加深,国际法作为重要的外交准则作用凸显。同时作为法学院本科生教学核心课程,其双语教学也是培养新世纪复合型人才的重要尝试。立足中原地区学生现状,提升国际法双语教学效果具有较强的理论和现实意义。在双语教学中应充分培养学生兴趣、注重基本知识传授和英语技能的提高、突出案例教学、鼓励师生互动、重视国际法与国际私法和国际经济法知识的交叉。 With the deepening of our participation in international affairs, the role of international law as an important diplomatic guideline has been highlighted. At the same time, as the core course of law undergraduates teaching, bilingual teaching is also an important attempt to cultivate compound talents in the new century. Based on the status quo of students in the Central Plains region to enhance the effectiveness of bilingual teaching in international law has a strong theoretical and practical significance. In bilingual education, students’ interests should be fully cultivated, emphasis should be put on the transfer of basic knowledge and English skills, case teaching should be emphasized, teachers and students should be encouraged to interact, and emphasis should be laid on the intersection of international law with private international law and knowledge of international economic law.
今年是英国伟大的剧作家和诗人莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564-1616)诞辰450周年。四百多年来,莎士比亚和他的戏剧、诗歌作品长久地活在人们的心中,在世界范围内产生了广泛而巨大的影响,至今仍然充满活跃的生命力。这种永恒的艺术魅力之最关键的本质在于莎士比亚的作品抓住了普遍的人性,表现了时代的精神。  莎士比亚在中国的译介  莎士比亚开始传入中国是在19世纪。1839年林则
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