Unequal Compulsory Education in Rural and Urban China

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  【Abstract】In this essay, the author will mainly discuss the situation and problems in compulsory education by looking at the unequal opportunities and resources between rural and urban areas in China, then try to illustrate the reasons about the inequity.
  【Key words】Compulsory Education; Unequal; Rural; Urban
  1. Introduction
  Nowadays, the education right is the basic right of each citizen. Equal education opportunity is the prerequisite of this right. Compulsory education is a major part of citizens’ education right that enforced by the state. It is implemented by the public schools that run by the state, but the funding of public schools mainly comes from taxpayers. Therefore, compulsory education must emphasis equality. However, China is a large country, because of the unbalanced economic development of each areas and the deep influence by tradition in people’s thought, many unequal phenomena for students to receive compulsory education.
  2. Background of Compulsory Education in Rural and Urban China
  2.1 Opportunities of Compulsory Education
  First, the different access between urban and rural China. Due to differences in economic development, there is a difference in the ability of urban and rural education input, especially in primary secondary education stage, the enrollment rate of secondary school in city is significantly higher than the countryside. For example, in Hubei province, in 1998, there were 216, 607 graduates from elementary schools in city, the enrollments of secondary school were 210, 384, and the enrollment rate was 97.13%. While in rural areas, the graduates from elementary were 747, 857, the enrollments of secondary school were only 657, 305, and the enrollment rate was only 87.89%, it was nearly 10% gap between these areas (Ministry of Education, 1999). Although as a country’s citizens, even in the same province, because the township and village government does not set up enough schools, some rural students’ opportunities to receive the compulsory education have been deprived ruthlessly, which was significantly unfair.
  Secondly, the right for girls to receive compulsory education is always not guaranteed. According to the research from Tan(2001), the enrollment rate of primary for school-age children in these areas where people’s net income per capita is less than 300 yuan as follows: male is 96.92%, female is only 83.74%, which is 13% gap between them. From the above, the education opportunity inequality for male and female school-age children not only occurs in poor areas, but also in well-off areas.   2.2 Resources of Compulsory Education
  First, there is a big gap of teachers’ quality between urban and rural. Because of the difference of economic development, excellent teachers constantly leave backward areas for developed areas, to flow from rural to urban areas, which lead to the bigger gap of teacher quality gap between undeveloped regions and developed regions. Some research showed that the rate of the first-grade teachers in elementary school was 87%, the second-grade teachers and under was 85%. Besides, the qualified rate of degree is so low. The data from article 1 shows the degree qualified rate of full-time teachers in the local elementary school is only 40%, but the average rate of the country is 86.6% in the same year, so the gap is more than twice. It is clear that the big difference of teacher quality leads to the imbalance resources of compulsory education in rural and urban areas.
  Second, the conditions of compulsory education between schools is different. Overall, the education condition in developed regions is better than the backward areas, city is better than the countryside. In the urban schools, students can enjoy the good teaching facilities, such as the school buildings, laboratory buildings, multimedia classrooms and other modern teaching equipment. However, in the rural schools, there are not only broken buildings, even the most basic teaching conditions are impossible. The dangerous teaching building and dormitory is increasing.
  According to standard from Ministry of Education, it can have only 40-45 students are contained in one class of elementary school, forward for 40. But due to the low rural education investment, school buildings cannot meet the need of compulsory education, so the excess of students’ number is a common phenomenon. In the crowded classroom, how the teacher guides students closely? A class in elementary school is only 40 minutes. For instance, if there are 40 students in an oral class, each of them has one minute to practice. But if there are 80 students, each of them only has half a minute, that is, half of their education opportunity has been deprived.
  3. Reasons of Unequal Compulsory Education
  There are some major reasons why the compulsory education in China is unequal. Xionglong argues that funding and household income may be the major reasons. However, Xiaohong and Yanxia believes that the arrears of wage and the implementation of new tax reform in rural areas will be the major reasons.   3.1 Insufficient Funding for Compulsory Education in Rural Areas.
  Over the years, funding for rural compulsory education is from tuition fee and education surcharges instead of the government’s fiscal spending, which may cause the big financial burden for the local government. With the development of universal compulsory education, more and more children go to school. However, the local government in rural areas is hard to raise the finance to support the education because of the poor development of economy, and the funding in rural areas is lower than the standard published by Minister of Education.
  3.2 Poor Income in Rural Areas
  There is an income gap between urban and rural areas. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, China’s urban-rural income gap ratio was 2.37: 1 in 1978, then, this ratio expanded to 2.54: 1 until 1993. Since 1999, the proportion reached to 2.65: 1. Recently, the net income of urban residents per capita was 13, 786 yuan in 2007. By comparison, the net income of rural residents per capita was only 4, 140 yuan. It is referred that the gap of income per capita between urban residents and rural residents was 9, 646 yuan. By 2008, the net income for urban residents increased to 15, 781 yuan, while there was only 4, 761 yuan for rural residents. It is seen that the gap between urban and rural areas was 11, 020 yuan. To sum up, the income gap between these two areas is keeping expand, which will lead to the spending in compulsory education in rural areas less than the urban areas.
  3.3 Tax Reform in Rural Areas
  The reform of rural taxes hinders the investment for the educational spending in rural areas. The implementation of new tax reform in rural areas is to standardize the collection of taxes and try to relieve the financial burdens for farmers. In 2000, the State Council decided to implement tax reform in rural areas such as Anhui, Hunan, Fujian and other under-developed provinces. The result demonstrated that tax reform is helping farmers to reduce the burden. However, this tax reform is also significantly reducing the rural tax for government, which will have impact on the expenditure for compulsory education in rural areas.
  4. Conclusion
  To sum up, the unequal compulsory education will have impact on the implementation of Education for All, and hinder the comprehensive development in China. In the analysis, I tried to argue these main opinions with relative critiques. There are still other problems and reasons for compulsory education between rural and urban areas that author did not mention in this review essay because of the word limitation. In the future, the author hope to conduct more literatures on this subject, and try to provide some recommendations to improve the situation of compulsory education in China.
  [1]Bo Y.(2001)The Tax Reform in Rural China:How to Cope with Education.China Education Newspaper.
  [2]Minghe J.(2001)Investment of Compulsory Education in Rural China.Education Science Research.Vol.2.
  [3]Xilong T.(2001).Unequal Compulsory Education Opportunities in Rural and Urban China.Education Science.Vol.17,No.4.
  [4]Xiaohong Z.and Yanxia S.(2002).On Troubles and Measures about Investment in Rural Compulsory Education.Journal of Northeast Normal University.Vol.2.
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【Abstract】 Intentionally or unintentionally, body language can be put into practice separately or in combination with utterance, paralanguage or other nonverbal communicative approaches. Because of cu
【摘要】本文就《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011版)对初中生英语书面表达提出的要求,结合初三学生学习现状以及英语作文教学情况,探讨如何有效输入语言素材、实现书面表达的优质输出、实现写作目标等问题并提出可行的策略和方法。  【关键词】词块 句式 结构 输入 输出 书面表达  一、问题的提出  中考书面表达分值15—20分,但从中考的书面表达得分结果看,平均分偏低、高分人数较少,学生书面表达能力悬殊,
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【摘要】职业中专的学生英语基础较为薄弱,在英语课堂教学中缺乏学习的主动性和积极性。为了能够切实加强对口单招学生的英语自主性,本文就英语教学现状进行分析,并针对性的提出激发学生学习英语的思路,希望能够促进对口单招学生英语成绩的进步与提高。  【关键词】职业中专 英语 学习动机  前言  英语作为一门语言学科,对学生的形象思维培养要求较高,学生在日常的学习中需要懂得将其运用到实际生活中去,并激励自己学
【摘要】本文主要以天津市2007-2016年高考英语书面表达题为研究对象,从试题内容、试题设计和评分标准三个方面对其进行历时研究,同时结合教育测量和语言测试理论对历年试题做出科学公正的评价,以期了解近十年高考英语天津卷书面表达题的命题特点和命题质量,并对完善该类题型的考试内容以及科学制定评分标准提供一些启示和建议。  【关键词】高考英语书面表达 历时分析 试题内容 试题设计 评分标准  一、引言 
【摘要】多媒体对课程教育有着比较大的影响,能够实现教学信息的凸显,同时也能运用多种教学资源对学生实施课程教育。高职院校在创建学科教育评价体系的时候,应该重视多媒体对其造成的多重影响,对教学评价进行科学的创建,促使教学模式能够得到有效的改進,提升评价工作的有效性。为此,本文在探究在多媒体语境下构建高职英语教育课程评价的原则后,提出几点构建英语课堂评价的体系措施,希望能够对高职教育起到帮助作用。  【
【摘要】写作是高中英语学习的重点内容,本文从四个角度总结了高中英语写作的常见错误,并探讨相关的应对措施与注意事项。  【关键词】高中英语 写作错误 应对措施  书面表达在高考英语中占比20%,主要考察我们英语的综合运用能力,涉及词汇和语法以及语意的表达等多个模块,是最令我们感到头疼的部分。随着新课程改革的进展,高考对英语写作的要求越来越高,写作难度的不断提高让我們无所是从。本文从笔者自身的英语写作