Research on dynamic stabilityrotational speed range of rolling projectiles with different characteri

来源 :Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangguoliang
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Traditional dynamic stability analyses of the rolling projectiles are mainly based on solving the systems’ transfer functions or angular motion’s homogeneous equations to obtain their characteristic roots.The solving processes of these methods are complex and lacking further analysis of the results.To solve this problem,Routh stability criterion is introduced to determine the stability of rolling missiles based on the transfer function model,and an important advantage of this method is that it is unnecessary to solve the system’s characteristic equation.Rotational speed ranges satisfying the dynamic stability of rolling projectiles with four different characteristics are acquired,and the correctness of analysis results is verified by computing the system’s root locus.The analysis results show that the relation between stability and rotational speed for static stable missiles is opposite to that for spin-stabilized projectiles,and the relative size of gyroscopic effect and Magnus effect has an extremely important influence on the trend of the stability of the system with increasing rotational speed. Traditional dynamic stability analyzes of the rolling projectiles are mainly based on solving the systems’ transfer functions or angular motion’s homogeneous equations to obtain their characteristic roots. The solving processes of these methods are complex and lacking further analysis of the results. To solve this problem, Routh stability criterion is introduced to determine the stability of rolling missiles based on the transfer function model, and an important advantage of this method is that it is unnecessary to solve the system’s characteristic equation. Rotational speed ranges satisfying the dynamic stability of rolling projectiles with four different characteristics are acquired, and the correctness of analysis results is verified by computing the system’s root locus. the analysis results show that the relation between stability and rotational speed for static stable missiles is opposite to that for spin-stabilized projectiles, and the relative size of gyroscopic effect and Magnus effect has an extremely important influence on the trend of the stability of the system with increasing rotational speed.
摘 要: 数列是一种定义域,是正整数集或其子集的函数,其图像是对应函数的图像上的一些散点,研究数列的一些性质,可以利用函数的性质来研究.作者对数列的最值进行研究,函数的最值常用图像法、导数法、重要不等式等,以供大家参考。  关键词: 数列 函数 最值  一、利用常见函数图像及导数解决数列最值问题  例1:已知数列{a }满足a =1,a -a =2n-2,则a =?摇 ?摇?摇?摇?摇.  分析:
我们常把要研究的对象分为“一般对象”或“特殊对象”,例如,当我们把平行四边形看作一般对象时,矩形、菱形和正方形就是其中的几种特殊对象,即几种特殊的平行四边形.又如,当我们把一次函数y=kx b(k≠0)看作一般对象时,正比例函数y=kx(k≠0)就是一种特殊对象,即一种特殊的一次函数.  一般对象与特殊对象的关系是:一般对象中包含了特殊对象.一般对象的性质,指的是其中各个特殊对象都具有的共性.例如
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