Alignment of Nanoscale Single-Walled Carb on Nanotub es Strands

来源 :Nano-Micro Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongkelong
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Depositing single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWNTs) with controllable density, pattern and orientation on electrodes presents a challenge in today’s research. Here, we report a novel solvent evaporation method to align SWNTs in patterns having nanoscale width and micronscale length. SWNTs suspension has been introduced dropwise onto photoresist resin microchannels; and the capillary force can stretch and align SWNTs into strands with nanoscale width in the microchannels. Then these narrow and long aligned SWNTs patterns were successfully transferred to a pair of gold electrodes with different gaps to fabricate carbon nanotube field-effect transistor(CNTFET). Moreover, the electrical performance of the CNTFET show that the SWNTs strands can bridge different gaps and fabricate good electrical performance CNTFET with ON/OFF ratio around 106. This result suggests a promising and simple strategy for assembling well-aligned SWNTs into CNTFET device with good electrical performance. Depositing single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with controllable density, pattern and orientation on electrodes presents a challenge in today’s research. Here, we report a novel solvent evaporation method to align SWNTs in patterns having nanoscale width and micronscale length. ; and the capillary force can stretch and align SWNTs into strands with nanoscale width in the microchannels; and the capillary force can stretch and align SWNTs into strands with nanoscale width in the microchannels; and the capillary force can stretch and align SWNTs into strands with nanoscale width in the microchannels; and these narrow and long aligned SWNTs patterns were successfully transferred to a pair of gold electrodes with different gaps to fabricate carbon nanotube field -effect transistor (CNTFET). Moreover, the electrical performance of the CNTFET show that the SWNTs strands can bridge different gaps and fabricate good electrical performance CNTFET with ON / OFF ratio around 106. This result suggests a promising and simple strategy for assembling well- aligned SWNTs into CNTFET device with good electrical performance.
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