Relationships between Microstructures and Properties of Chinese Ancient Bronzes

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:walger
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The typical morphology of alloy lead(Pb) in ancient bronzes made in the Spring-Autumn Warring States Period(770 B.C.-221 B.C.),China,was examined by using electron microscopic techniques.We propose that the main purposes for adding metallic Pb in a large quantity into ancient bronzes,such as arrows and ritual vessel-Ding,were for increasing weight and economical reasons.In order to promote adding efficiency and improve casting quality for getting homogenously distributed Pb particles in the bronzes,a process through inserting Pb rod into the mold is supposed to be used during casting,which provided a process for preventing Pb sinkage.Scanning electron microscope(SEM) observations from the fracture surface of the bronzes revealed that the Pb particle possessed a “hollow-cored bubble” structure,which was formed due to absorbing casting gases during solidification and therefore indirectly eliminated the casting porosity and loosen. The typical morphology of alloy lead (Pb) in ancient bronzes made in the Spring-Autumn Warring States Period (770 BC-221 BC), China, was examined by using electron microscopic techniques. We propose that the main purposes for adding metallic Pb in a large quantity into ancient bronzes, such as arrows and ritual vessel-Ding, were for increasing weight and economical reasons. In order to promote adding efficiency and improve casting quality for getting homogenously distributed Pb particles in the bronzes, a process through inserting Pb rod into the mold is supposed to be used during casting, which provided a process for preventing Pb sinkage. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations from the fracture surface of the bronze revealed that the Pb particle possessed a “hollow-cored bubble” structure , which was formed due to absorbing casting gases during solidification and canceledially the casting porosity and loosen.
摘 要: “健康第一”是学校体育的指导思想,让每个学生都从体育与健康课程的学习中受益,这是体育教学的一个最基本的理念。针对目前广大高中生喜欢运动,但对体育课不感兴趣、运动能力差等原因,在体育教学中要选择“选项教学、分层教学”的组织形式,引导学生选择自己喜欢的运动项目进行系统的学习,以便在原有的基础上有所提高与进步。  关键词: 高中体育教学 选项教学 分层教学  长期以来,多数体育教师习惯运用传统
《教育法》明确规定:要培养德智体美劳全面发展的中学生。但是目前中学体育教学的实际情况却不容乐观,由于受种种条件的限制,要想达到这一目标,有一定的困难。作为一名体育教师,笔者就如何解决问题提出一些粗浅的建议。  一、教师要规范言行  传统体育教学比较重视教师的教态和仪表,体育教师习惯在课堂上享有至高无上的权威,喜欢以发号施令的形式驾驭课堂。体育教师往往为自己的体育课堂能令行禁止、学生中规中矩而沾沾自
如何加强节水节能的科学管理,是当前给水排水设计施工中的重点。现浅谈几点建筑给排水节水措施。 How to strengthen the scientific management of water-saving and energ
体育课堂能让学生与自然直接接触,让人愉悦心情。初中生年龄还小,正处在活泼好动的阶段,因此,体育课普遍受初中生的欢迎。但是一旦出现雨雪等天气,或者体育器材不足,体育课就不得不改为室内课,有时甚至取消。这时候学生往往抱怨不能正常进行室外课。其实,教师应该转变对体育室内课的态度,正视体育室内课的重要性。  一、结合教学实际,传授基本知识  体育课程标准对体育教学的目的和任务是这样阐述的:体育教学不仅仅是
摘 要: 作者根据健美操的教学特点,运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、访谈法,了解我院健美操教学中美育教育的渗透情况。结果表明,在我院的健美操教学中,基本实现了对健美操的美育培养,使学生在自身人体美、人格美的塑造过程中,得到身体和心灵的完善与发展,为成为全面发展的大学生发挥积极的作用。  关键词: 南昌市 健美操教学 美育培养  1.引言  美育培养是指身體姿态各部分肢体塑造的姿势,如坐、卧