Indoor positioning modeling by visible light communication and imaging

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eidolonfish
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This letter presents a model of an indoor light positioning system(LPS) based on white LEDs and a camera.The position of an LPS receiver is determined through both its relative position to LEDs according to their images captured by the camera and LEDs’ absolute position information in the navigation frame, obtained through a visible light communication(VLC) link. The error performance of the proposed LPS is analyzed.The mean error and mean square error(MSE) of estimated receiver position using least squares(LS) and weighted least squares(WLS) estimators are both derived in the presence of non-uniform measurement bias and white Gaussian noise. The effects of communication data rate on the positioning accuracy are also studied through BER performance. This letter presents a model of an indoor light positioning system (LPS) based on white LEDs and a camera. The position of an LPS receiver is determined through both its relative position to LEDs according to their images captured by the camera and LEDs’ absolute position information in the navigation frame, obtained through a visible light communication (VLC) link. The error performance of the proposed LPS is analyzed. mean error and mean square error (MSE) of estimated receiver position using least squares (LS) and weighted least squares (WLS) estimators are both derived in the presence of non-uniform measurement bias and white Gaussian noise. The effects of communication data rate on the positioning accuracy are also studied through BER performance.
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摘 要  本文从内外部动因分析地方高等职业院校快速发展的原因,以期对部分职业院校的快速发展有一定的借鉴和参考价值。  【关键词】高等职业院校;快速发展;因素  1 影响地方高等职业院校快速发展的外部动因探析  1.1 政府支持与投入  中央和地方政府对高等职业院校快速发展的影响主要体现在宏观层面,重点在于政策引领和资金投入。  从政策导向上看,党和政府越来越重视职业教育在经济社会发展中的作用,我国
摘 要理实一体化教学改革是高职院校把理论与实践有机结合的一种创新理论教学方法,也是符合当前职业教育培养目标的一种教学模式。本文以《基础会计》为载体,论述了对理实一体化教学模式的认识及在课程教学中的应用实践,并提出了该课程的思路建设、内容的构建和实践的操作,实践证明该方法行之有效。  【关键词】高职;理实一体化;教学改革;基础会计  理实一体化教学法就是理论和实践有机结合的一种教学方法。它打破了传统