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在经济全球化和新科技革命的背景下,加快建立以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系,大力推进产学研合作创新,是健全国家创新体系的关键环节。通过分析和总结国外产学研的成功经验和总体特征,提出了对我们的启示:产学研合作创新是构建自主创新体系的核心,政府在产学合作中起着重要作用,大学在产学研合作中的角色至关重要,高新技术和重大技术的研发与突破是合作创新的重点,以期对我国产学研合作创新的发展有一定的助益。 In the context of economic globalization and the revolution of new science and technology, accelerating the establishment of a system of technological innovation based on the combination of enterprises, market and industry as well as research and development and vigorously promoting cooperation and innovation in production, learning and research are the key steps to improving the national innovation system. By analyzing and summarizing the successful experiences and general characteristics of production, learning and research abroad, this paper puts forward our enlightenment to us: Cooperative innovation of production, study and research is the core of building an independent innovation system. The government plays an important role in the industry-university cooperation. Is of vital importance to the R & D and breakthrough of high and new technologies and major technologies and is the focus of cooperation and innovation in the hope of contributing to the development of the cooperative innovation in production, teaching and research in our country.
第Ⅰ卷(选择题共76分)一、选择题I:本大题共26小题,每小题2分,满分52分。在每小题给出的四个选项中只有一项是最符合题意的。 Volume I (a total of 76 multiple-choice que
吉林省长春市玉米种植面积较大,玉米机收既是发展的重点,又是制约农机化水平提高的难点。(1)农机购置补贴力度不断加大。从2006年起,玉1发展现状 Changchun City, Jilin Pro
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第九届亚太无损检测会议论文 T.Mthara,G.Suzuki et al(日) 声发射_____,。__。、,。。,____、___。。 ”“”‘用超声成象分析系统评判焊缝缺陷及其与常规86用声发射监测法
在中学数学教学中,培养学生的提问能力,对于开发学生智力,发展学生思维,变学生课堂上的被动接受为主动探求,实现素质教育起着积极的作用。那么,如何来培养学生 In middle sc