Characteristics of Deformation and Recovery in Shape Memory Alloy

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a12431
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The mechanical behavior and the effect of pre-strain on recovery behavior of Ti50Ni47Fe3 (at. pct) alloy were investigated systematically by tensile and recovered tests accompanied by electrical resistance measurement. Ti50Ni47Fe3 alloy has different deformation behaviors at different temperature ranges, the deformation curves in different temperature range can be classified into four kinds. The start temperature of recovery increases with the increase of pre-strain. There exists an optimal deformation condition, at which the specimen exhibits maximum free recovery strain. With increasing pre-strain the recovery stress increases and reaches the maximum at 8% pre-strain. R-phase to parent transition offered about 0.2% recovery strain. With pre-strain increasing the recovery stress increases and reaches to the maximum at 8% pre-strain. The recovery stress is corresponding with the critical stress of stress-induced martensitic transformation. The mechanical behavior and the effect of pre-strain on recovery behavior of Ti50Ni47Fe3 (at. Pct) alloy were systematically by tensile and recovered tests accompanied by electrical resistance measurement. Ti50Ni47Fe3 alloy has different deformation behaviors at different temperature ranges, the deformation curves in There are an optimal deformation condition, at which the specimen exhibits maximum free recovery strain. With increasing pre-strain the recovery stress increases and reaches the maximum at 8% pre-strain. R-phase to parent transition about 0.2% recovery strain. With pre-strain increasing the recovery stress increases and reaches to maximum at 8% pre-strain. with the critical stress of stress-induced martensitic transformation
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