Impact of Land Use Change on Groundwater Recharge in Guishui River Basin,China

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxtx001209
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It is important to understand how land use change impacts groundwater recharge,especially for regions that are undergoing rapid urbanization and there is limited surface water.In this study,the hydrological processes and re-charge ability of various land use types in Guishui River Basin,China(in Beijing Municipality) were analyzed.The impact of land use change was investigated based on water balance modeling,WetSpass and GIS.The results indicate that groundwater recharge accounts for only 21.16% of the precipitation,while 72.54% is lost in the form of evapotranspiration.The annual-lumped groundwater recharge rate decreases in the order of cropland,grassland,urban land,and forest.Land use change has resulted in a decrease of 4 × 106 m3 of yearly groundwater recharge in the study area,with a spatially averaged rate of 100.48 mm/yr and 98.41 mm/yr in 1980 and 2005,respectively.This variation has primarily come from an increase of urban area and rural settlements,as well as a decrease of cropland. It is important to understand how land use change impacts groundwater recharge, especially for regions that are undergoing rapid urbanization and there is limited surface water. In this study, the hydrological processes and re-charge ability of various land use types in Guishui River Basin, China (in Beijing Municipality) was analyzed. The impact of land use change was investigated based on water balance modeling, WetSpass and GIS. The results indicate that groundwater recharge accounts for only 21.16% of the precipitation, while 72.54% is lost in the form. of evapotranspiration. the annual-lumped groundwater recharge rate decreases in the order of cropland, grassland, urban land, and forest. Land use change has resulted in a decrease of 4 × 106 m3 of yearly groundwater recharge in the study area, with a spatially averaged rate of 100.48 mm / yr and 98.41 mm / yr in 1980 and 2005, respectively. This variation has been from an increase of urban area and rural settlements, as well as a decrease of cropland.
摘 要 在课程教学中,学生个体差异的存在是不可回避的客观事实。学生的接受能力有强有弱,学习效率有高有低,有的学生擅长听和说,有的学生擅长读和写,有的语言运用能力较好,有的应试能力较强。学生在智力与潜能、认知风格、态度与动机、性格等方面存在着个体差异,教师在教学过程中应该关注到这些差异进行归纳总结。以人为本,帮助学生有效地掌握所学的知识,让学生更好地学习和运用,才能使课堂教学效果达到最优化,构建高效
介绍了加强地压认识在控制成本、保证经济、安全钻井和成功勘探及对于封闭完整性评价等方面所起的关键作用。同时 ,表述了成功地进行地压模拟需要综合分析多源数据资料。对将
摘 要 变式教学法是一种有效的数学教学方法。在初中数学教学中,运用变式教学法,培养学生的变式思维方式和变式学习习惯,对于提高学生的逻辑思维能力和解决问题能力具有重要作用。基于此,本文围绕着初中数学变式教学的方法这一论点,从三个方面详细阐述了如何在初中数学教学中运用变式教学,提升数学教学质量,培养学生数学综合能力。  【关键词】初中数学;变式教学;方法  变式教学是指教师在教学过程中,根据教学内容和
摘 要 初中美术作为初中课程中培养学生艺术欣赏水平和艺术创作能力、发掘学生潜力的基本科目,对学生长久发展有着重要作用。如何提高学生学习兴趣、让学生热爱美术学习,是初中美术教师在教学中面临的突出问题。所以,在初中美术课堂引入案例教学法,以提高初中美术的教学质量。  【关键词】初中美术教学;案例教学法  当前社会和经济不断进步发展,学生必须具备一定的认识美的能力,才能适应当前社会的需要,在今后的发展中
近年来,拐骗小学生的案件时有发生。犯罪分子大多利用我们的天真无知,进行坑蒙拐骗。因此,小朋友们一定要从小学会保护自己。 In recent years, cases of abducting pupils
摘 要 上课前如何导入新课,是每个老师都必须会的一种技能。导入技能是教师采用图片、模型、谚语、诗歌、音乐、小故事或者新闻媒体等等各种教学方式和方法,引发学生的好奇心和求知欲,引起学生对本节课内容的关注、激发学生的学习兴趣、使学生产生学习动机、明确学习方向和建立知识联系的一类教学行为技能。在中学生物教学中,创设和谐的教学氛围,构建良好的教学情境,使教学内容紧扣学生心弦,激发学生求知动力,使其自觉地学