20 Aluminum Producers Stop Production in 1~(st)Half

来源 :China Nonferrous Metals Monthly | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiao040223
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In the first half of 2004,the primary aluminumindustry in China had a profit plunge and 20primary aluminum enterprises in the wholecountry have completely stopped productiondue to the power price hikes,small margin ofalumina price reduction,price declining of pri-mary aluminum since May and other factors,making the Chinese producers more and moredifficult to survive.The statistics from theChina Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Associa-tion show that the first six months witnessed In the first half of 2004, the primary aluminumindustry in China had a profit plunge and 20primary aluminum enterprises in the wholecountry have completely stopped productiondue to the power price hikes, small margin ofalumina price reduction, price declining of pri-mary aluminum since May and other factors, making the Chinese producers more and more difficult to survive. statistics from theChina Non-Ferrous Metals Industry Associa-tion show that the first six months witnessed
【摘要】换位思考法、激发兴趣法、分层教学法提高课堂效率  【关键词】提高 效率 换位思考 激趣 分层教学  【中图分类号】G630【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)11-0010-01  高效课堂历来是优秀教育工作者孜孜不倦的追求,为了提高课堂效率,我做了以下三点尝试,取得了较好的效果。  一、换位思考法  教师在课堂教学中以“假如我是学生”的姿态出现在学生学习的过程中,思
Since its first publication of The Kite Runner in 2003,it has drawn considerable publicity and received praises from the critics all over the world.Up till now,
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