To be or not to be:The host genetic factor and beyond in Helicobacter pylori mediated gastro-duodena

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenrou1323
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Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)have long been associated with a spectrum of disease outcomes in the gastroduodenal system.Heterogeneity in bacterial virulence factors or strains is not enough to explain the divergent disease phenotypes manifested by the infection.This review focuses on host genetic factors that are involved during infection and eventually are thought to influence the disease phenotype.We have summarizedthe different host genes that have been investigated for association studies in H.pylori mediated duodenal ulcer or gastric cancer.We discuss that as the bacteria co-evolved with the host;these host gene also show much variation across different ethnic population.We illustrate the allelic distribution of interleukin-1B,across different population which is one of the most popular candidate gene studied with respect to H.pylori infections.Further,we highlight that several polymorphisms in the pathway gene can by itself or collectively affect the acid secretion pathway axis(gastrin:somatostatin)thereby resulting in a spectrum of disease phenotype Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) has long been associated with a spectrum of disease outcomes in the gastroduodenal system. Heterogeneity in bacterial virulence factors or that are involved during infection and eventually are thought to influence the disease phenotype. We have summarized the different host genes that have been investigated for association studies in H.pylori mediated duodenal ulcer or gastric cancer. We discuss that as the bacteria co-evolved with the host; these host genes also show much variation across different ethnic populations. We illustrate the allelic distribution of interleukin-1B, across different populations which is one of the most popular candidate gene studied with respect to H. pylori infections. Facult, we highlight that several polymorphisms in the pathway gene can by itself or collectively affect the acid secretion pathway axis (g astrin: somatostatin) thereby resulting in a spectrum of disease phenotype
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