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人生的路看似漫长 ,其实要紧的只有几步。对于大多数人来讲 ,这要紧的几步就是20—30岁时初涉社会立足创业的时期。年轻人初涉社会 ,朝气蓬勃 ,心中燃烧着理想的热情 ,谁不想甩开膀子大干一场呢?可几年十几年下来 ,同一批进来的人或同一批同学之间水平高高低低差距就拉开了。为什么会这样呢?许多人一谈及这个问题都有一个共识 :对于一个初涉社会的人来说 ,一个好的领路人或者说一个好的领导太重要了。一个人事业能否成功 ,固然与个人能力、性格以及环境等方方面面因素相关 ,但有一点是非常重要的 ,就是是否有一个好的领导 ,一个知人善任、善于开发人的能力的管理者。做为一个层级的管理者 ,不仅是身先士卒 ,带领手下一班人干工作 ,而且负有开发工作人员的能力的责任 ,一个管理者 ,就是一个人力资源开发者。所谓开发 ,也就是让手下人心悦诚服地把力气都用在工作中 ,使工作的轮子“转”起来 ,并且通过工作每个人的能力不断得到提高。“知人善任”“用人所长”等等 ,理论上说起来容易 ,实践起来很难。管理是一门艺术 ,而且要有高超的技巧。从本期开始 ,在“开发技术”这一小栏目中 ,将相继介绍一些开发人才资源方面的技术知识。 The road to life may seem long, in fact, only a few steps. For most people, the crucial step is the period from early 20-30 when society started to get started. Young people first social, vibrant, heart burning ideal of passion, who do not want to throw off his arm? Can be a few years a dozen years down, with a group of people coming in or the same batch of classmates level high and low The gap opened. Why is this? Many people have a common understanding on this issue: For a beginner to social, a good leader or a good leader is too important. The success of a career, of course, with personal ability, personality and environment and other aspects of the relevant factors, but one is very important, that is, whether there is a good leadership, a good man, good at developing the ability of managers. Being a manager at one level is not only a pioneer but also a cadre of people working under his own team and a responsibility to develop the capabilities of a staff member, a human resource developer. The so-called development, that is, letting subordinates work honestly and convincingly, make the wheels of work “turn around” and the ability of each person to continuously improve through their work. “Know people good” “Employer” and so on, in theory, easy to say, it is difficult to practice. Management is an art and requires superb skills. Starting from this issue, in the small section of “Development Technology,” some technical knowledge on developing human resources will be introduced one after another.
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