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进行了9个采用预应力钢板箍(Prestressed Steel Jacket,PSJ)加固的RC短柱试件的单调加载试验。重点研究预应力钢板箍加固RC短柱的抗剪性能和加固构件受剪承载力计算方法。主要试验参数包括箍板预应力度和箍板配置量。试验结果表明:采用预应力钢板箍加固RC短柱可显著改善其受剪性能,不仅可有效提高构件的抗剪承载力,并能使最终出现剪切破坏的加固短柱具有较好的变形能力。在试验研究基础上探讨了预应力箍板加固的受剪机理,分析了各主要参数对加固柱受剪承载力的影响及其规律。分析结果表明:预应力箍板的受剪系数与箍板预应力度和箍板配箍特征值等因素有关。基于叠加方法,提出了箍板受剪系数和加固柱抗剪承载力计算公式,计算结果和试验结果总体吻合良好。研究成果可为预应力钢板箍加固RC柱的抗剪设计提供依据。 Nine monotonic loading tests were performed on RC stub specimens reinforced with prestressed steel jackets (PSJ). Focusing on the prestressing steel plate reinforcement of RC short columns shear strength and strengthening member shear capacity calculation method. The main test parameters include hoop prestress and hoop placement. The test results show that the RC columns with prestressed steel hoops can significantly improve the shearing performance of the RC stanchions, which can not only effectively improve the shear strength of the members, but also make the short columns strengthened with shear failure better. . Based on the experimental study, the shear mechanism of the prestressed hoop reinforcement is discussed, and the influence of the main parameters on the shear capacity of the reinforced column is analyzed. The analysis results show that the shear coefficient of the prestressed hoop is related to the prestressing force of the hoop and the characteristic value of the hoop of the hoop. Based on the superposition method, the formulas for calculating the shear coefficient of hoop and the shear strength of reinforced columns are proposed. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results. The research results can provide the basis for the shear design of prestressed steel hoop reinforced RC columns.
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