The Analysis of Jocusta Complex and Oedipal Complex between Mother and Sons in the novel sons and lo

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  David Herbert Laurence is a famous British novelist in the 20th century. He is famous for his novels such as Sons and lovers, Lady Chatterley’s lover reflect the author’s viewpoint of love. He also wrote the novels The Rainbow, The White Peacock and Women in Love. Sons and lovers is one of D.H.Lawrence’s masterpieces. I analyze the Jocusta Complex and Oedipal Complex between Mother and Sons in the novel sons and lovers in my paper.
  Mrs. Morel had three sons, but the typical love relation between mother and sons were best demonstrated between Mrs. Morel and her two elder sons William and Paul.
  After casting off her husband, Mrs. Morel immediately poured all her love to her eldest son William. She strongly opposed her husband’s intention of turning William into a miner. Instead, she let him have a good education. She did not allow any harm or bad influence from her husband to come to the boy. Her efforts paid off as William did turn out to be a promising young man later.
  William was Mrs. Morel’s first love. He was a handsome and intelligent boy who combined his father’s gregariousness with his mother’s intelligence. And he determined to make his mother’s dream come true. When William was young, he was in the inferior position and totally obeyed his mother. When he had grown up and became young adult, he gradually had his own thought and his natural desire for love. After the dancing parties, however, quite a few girls showed their fancy on William, which excited him greatly. This pained Mrs. Morel very much. William then offered to work away from home in London. William fell in love with a fashionable but shallow girl in London. Accordingly, the close tie between mother and son was considerably weakened. Mrs. Morel was very anxious about William, yet she could do nothing because of the girl Lily.
  From the love relation between Mrs. Morel and William we can see Jocusta Complex and Oedipal Complex between mother and sons. But when Mrs. Morel shifted her love to Paul, and Paul thoroughly took over the original place of William in Mrs. Morel’s heart, the Jocusta Complex and Oedipal Complex is showed again.
  As to Mrs. Morel’s second eldest son Paul, he was a born soul-mate to her. When he was born, it was a great comfort to the mother that the baby was another boy because it meant a great man in the future. Mrs. Morel decided to do everything in her power for the baby’s well-being.
  In the novel we can see that Paul obeyed what his mother said and did what his mother whished him to. During his life, all he did were to please his mother. In Paul’s eye, his mother was an elegant, undisturbed and beautiful young girl. Every night, he would send his mother to bed and kissed her good night. He wanted to protect, to love, to totally possess his mother. The relation between Paul and his mother grew frankly oedipal. Paul was pouring all of the passion and devotion to his mother. And his mother, for her part, honestly admitted that Paul must take the place of the husband she felt she never “really” had.   When his father quarreled with his mother he even wanted to take the place of his father. He believed that his father mismatched his mother and there was no love between them. When he talked to Clara about love: “love is dog in mager”. The situation was just like his parents’ marriage, because even if his mother did not love his father any more or hated him extremely, their marriage still continued and his mother would never leave his father. His words hinted to us that Paul had regarded his father as his rival of love; we can also see that Paul replaced his father and protested his mother. Once a time, after quarrelling with his husband, Mrs. Morel’s despaired and complained to his son that she never had a husband, a true husband. At the same time, he deeply realized that his mother not only needed a good son, but also an ideal husband, and then he could not help touching the hair on his mother’s neck, of which was the strong evidence of Mother Fixation.
  It was undutiful that Paul was a mourning son, but his main purpose was to help his mother. And his mother also loved him. But can Paul afford that kind of love? The love of the son and the mother was blameless, but it gradually developed into a kind of abnormal love, mother Fixation. We can get the evidence from the novel.
  We know that all the parents love their children, and we should not doubt that. But the relation between parents and sons in the novel sons and lovers may be a little complex. May be it is because of Mrs. Morel and her family’s living environment, or because of the society in that period. We can’t exactly understand. But we sure know that Laurence is a great British novelist who deserves us to study forever.
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