Role of nestin in glioma invasion

来源 :World Journal of Translational Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunzhaojian
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AIM: To determine the role for the intermediate filament protein nestin in glioma invasion. METHODS: We examined the expression and function of nestin in gliomas(Grades Ⅱ-Ⅳ as defined by the World Health Organization). We determined nestin expression using Immunohistochemical methods. To elucidate nestin’s biological function(s), we reduced m RNA levels by 61% and 87% in two glioblastomaderived neurosphere lines using short hairpin RNAs and determined the effect of reduced nestin expression on glioma cell proliferation and invasion using MTS and matrigel migration assays, respectively. We also utilized quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction assaysto determine the effect of reduced nestin expression on the expression of other markers associated with glioma stem cells and their differentiated progenies. RESULTS: We found a significant correlation between nestin immunoreactivity and astrocytoma tumor grade, with 36% of grade Ⅱ, 75% of grade Ⅲ, and 100% of grade Ⅳtumors expressing significant levels of the protein when assessed using immunohistochemistry. Reduction in nestin expression had no effect on cell growth in culture, but did retard the capacity of one line to migrate in-vitro on matrigel. Interestingly, in the line whose migration was not affected, m RNA levels of a second intermediate filament, synemin(also knowns as desmuslin), were elevated following introduction of sh RNA targeting nestin. As synemin was not induced in the line which required nestin for migration, it is a possibility that synemin may compensate for the loss of nestin in this process. CONCLUSION: Nestin expression is prominent in high-grade astrocytomas. Nestin is not required for cell growth but it may, however, be required for cell motility. METHODS: We examined the expression and function of nestin in gliomas (Grades II-IV as defined by the World Health Organization). We determined nestin expression using Immunohistochemical methods. To elucidate nestin’s biological function (s), we reduced m RNA levels by 61% and 87% in two glioblastoma derived neurosphere lines using short hairpin RNAs and determined the effect of reduced nestin expression on glioma cell proliferation and invasion using MTS and matrigel migration assays, respectively. We also utilize quantitative quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assay to determine the effect of reduced nestin expression on the expression of other markers associated with glioma stem cells and their differentiated progenies. RESULTS: We found a significant correlation between nestin immunoreactivity and astrocytoma tumor grade, with 36% of grade II, 75% of grade III, and 100% of grade Ⅳ tumors expressing significant levels of the protein when assessed using immunohistochemistry. Reduction in nestin expression had no effect on cell growth in culture, but did retard the capacity of one line to migrate in-vitro on matrigel. Interestingly, in the line whose migration was not affected , as RNA neutrogenesis was not induced in the line which required nestin for migration, it is a may that synemin may compensate for the loss of nestin in this process. CONCLUSION: Nestin expression is prominent in high-grade astrocytomas. Nestin is not required for cell growth but it may, however, be required for cell motility.
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[摘 要]教学中应营造良好的课堂心理环境 。   [关键词]语文 课堂提问问题设计    语文课堂应注重营造良好的课堂心理环境,作为课堂教学的重要组成部分,提问的艺术性显得尤为重要。有效的课堂提问应是从实际出发,根据教学的知识内容与思想内容,把握教材的重点、难点来精心设问、发问;另外,还应从学生实际出发,根据学生的知识水平与心理特点,找出能诱发他们思维的兴趣点来问,使提问真正起到启发引导的作用。 
自2005年4月参加工作以来,我基本上一直担任着班主任工作,对于学校这一个虽然是小角色,但又不可缺少的職务,有很多人不屑一顾。当我刚当上班主任时,也算是赶鸭子上架---一窍不通。这么几年的时间里,自己哭过、笑过,有时也会累得倒头就睡,也有时在听到报告声吓得跳起来。也有时为了学生的事和同事闹别扭,总的来说,当一名小学的班主任真的不容易。  我们这里当班主任基本上都是从一年级开始带的,属于跟班制的那种
本人于2007年9月参加了工作,光荣的加入了教师这一行业,在工作的近7年的时间里,我教过汉语文,教过数学,还教过音乐、美术等等。现在教藏语文,并且担任班主任工作。在这几年里,我体会到了各种学科教学方法的不同,以及存在的教学困难也各异。不过,从我带上班主任以后,体会到了以往不一样的感觉。今天,我来谈谈自己对班主任工作的解读:  一、“累”字当头  我们当老师的本身就很累,按时上下班,别人休息时,自己
2005年4月,我带着自己的梦想,带着自己的执着,来到了享有黄河源头第一县的美称——玛多县,当了一名普通的人民教师。在这片神奇广袤的草原上,牛羊成群,湖泊星罗棋布。平均海拔在4200米以上,年平均气温-4℃,属高寒草原气候,到了这里,很多人都是呼吸困难,疾病缠身。我也不例外,没想到,自己一下子在这呆了9年多,不仅仅是对自己工作的热爱,更是爱这片土地,爱这里的孩子。  教学,在我们上学的时候,理论上
运用灰色关联度对河南省1993 年参加棉花区试的7 个品种,从高产、早熟、抗病、优质4 个方面共12 个性状进行了分析。综合评定结果表明:新8704( 豫棉17) 表现最优,具有高产、早熟、抗病、优质、适
数学,是一门逻辑性很强的学科,起源自于人类早期的生产活动,现如今,数学被应用在很多不同的领域上,包括科学、工程、医学和经济学等。所以,数学是学生必须要学好的一门课。在小学,数学并不是很难,学生学习时也很轻松,可是到了中学,随着难度加大,学生越来越不愿意学数学了。甚至讨厌数学,对于学生的放弃,改如何让学生学习数学呢?这对老师来说是个挑战,也是日思夜想的问题。  我们都知道,每一个人对自己喜欢的东西都
[摘 要]在数学教学中,如何使学生“领悟”出数学知识源于生活,又服务于生活,能用数学眼光去观察生活实际,培养解决实际问题的能力,应成为每位数学教师重视的问题。  [关键词]数学教学教育  创新教育是知识经济时代教育的主旋律,也是新世纪发展的必然。江泽民总书记多次强调:“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。创新的关键在人才,人才的培养靠教育。”21世纪将是创造教育有世纪,社会对于