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目的:探讨兔视网膜挫伤后Müller细胞波形蛋白(Vimentin)表达的变化方法:通过3J能量自由落体方式制作兔眼挫伤性视网膜病变模型,于伤后1/8,1,3,7,14d时处死动物取材,免疫组化染色和计算机图像分析仪检测视网膜挫伤后Müller细胞Vimentin的表达和分布。结果:视网膜挫伤后1d Vimentin开始阳性表达增强,7d达到高峰,14d略有下降。随着视网膜挫伤时间的延长,Vimentin的免疫染色范围也逐渐向外扩展,3d时免疫染色达外界膜,7d时视网膜全层都有表达,二组比较,各时段差别均P<0.01,存在统计学差异。结论:视网膜挫伤后Müller细胞Vimentin反应动态增强。 Objective: To investigate the changes of Vimentin expression in Müller cells after traumatic retinal contusion in rabbits.Methods: Rabbit eyes with contusion-induced retinopathy were prepared by 3J energy-free-fall method and sacrificed at 1 / 8,1,3,7,14d after injury Animal samples, immunohistochemical staining and computer image analyzer were used to detect the expression and distribution of Vimentin in Müller cells after retinal contusion. Results: The positive expression of Vimentin increased on the 1st day after retinal contusion, reached its peak on the 7th day and decreased slightly on the 14th day. With the prolonged retinal contusion, the immunostaining range of Vimentin also gradually expanded outward. Immunostaining reached the outer membrane on day 3, and the whole retina was expressed on the 7th day. The difference between the two groups was P <0.01, with statistics Differences Conclusion: The Vimentin response of Müller cells is enhanced dynamically after contusion of the retina.
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