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反垄断政策与知识产权政策具有互用性,二者的共同目标是促进动态效率与动态竞争,但在达到目标的路径与工具上存有潜在的冲突。依靠一个罗尔斯式的不断增加约束条件的分析技术,可以得出互用性的基本理念、政策制定标准与政策执行标准,用以评价一个司法管辖区的知识产权反垄断政策及考量相应对策。中国的知识产权反垄断政策肯定了该互用性,但在理念与原则的表述上可以或应当更加明确。相应的对策是针对政策的理论背景,即基本理念与政策制定标准,明确政策的基础为竞争与创新的适当平衡、两类政策间的均势与反垄断的克制;针对政策执行标准,则应当明确以知识产权政策的正当化为判定滥用知识产权的依据。 Antitrust and IP policies are interoperable. The common goal of both is to promote dynamic efficiency and dynamic competition, but there are potential conflicts in reaching the path and tools of the target. Rely on a Rawls-based analytical technique that continually increases the constraint conditions, we can draw the basic idea of ​​interoperability, the standard of policy making and the standard of policy implementation, to evaluate the antitrust policy of intellectual property in a jurisdiction and to consider the corresponding countermeasures . China’s antitrust policy on intellectual property affirmed this interoperability, but it can or should be made clearer in the formulation of concepts and principles. The corresponding countermeasures are the theoretical background of the policy, namely, the basic concepts and standards for policy making, the clear policy basis for the appropriate balance of competition and innovation, the balance between the two types of policies and antitrust restraint; the policy implementation standards should be clear The legitimacy of intellectual property policy as the basis for judging the abuse of intellectual property.
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