The Algorithm and Its Application of a Multi-Channel Adaptive Decision-Feedback Equalizer

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guozhi1988
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In digital radio communication, diversity reception can combat flat fading and adaptive equalization can combat Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI). In this paper, the structure and algorithm of a multi-channel equalizer with combined diversity reception and adaptive equalization techniques are studied. Because Phase-Looked-Loops (PLL) are embedded in the equalizer, this equalizer is suitable for coherent communication in channels with high phase fluctuation. Monte Carlo simulation is used to test its performance and the results show that a multi-channel decision-feedback-equalizer has better performance than a single-channel decision-feedback-equalizer, and the results of processing high-speed digital underwater communication signals demonstrate this farther. In digital paper communication, diversity reception can combat flat fading and adaptive equalization can combat inter-Symbol Interference (ISI). In this paper, the structure and algorithm of a multi-channel equalizer with combined diversity reception and adaptive equalization techniques are are.. Phase-Looked-Loops (PLL) are embedded in the equalizer, this equalizer is suitable for coherent communication in channels with high phase fluctuation. Monte Carlo simulation is used to test its performance and the results show that a multi-channel decision-feedback- equalizer has better performance than a single-channel decision-feedback-equalizer, and the results of processing high-speed digital underwater communication signals demonstrate this farther.
Communicative Language Teaching is a new teaching methodology different from the China’s traditional teaching methodology. For the application of Communicative
离退休综合征是指老年人离退休后,由于工作和生活环境的突然变化,引起心理和生理上的不适应,从而加速衰老的一种临床综合征。  离退休综合征有心理症状和躯体症状两种。  心理症状主要指抑郁症状,如情绪低落,精神沮丧,感到自己“老而无用”,疏于与亲戚朋友联系,更不愿主动去结交朋友;对过去的业余爱好也感到索然无味,甚至连一些力所能及的家务事也不愿做。患者还可能有心烦意乱、紧张易怒,容易与他人发生冲突,冲突后