新国企 新选择

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以中海油、中国电信赴美上市为标志,中国大型国有企业改革又迈入了一个新的发展阶段,并在开放的格局中实现了突破。这种突破并不仅仅是带来了现实和可预期的巨大利益,更为重要的是,这表明我们已从被动转为主动,将国企改革的攻坚放之于世界经济棋局的谋划之中。从已公布的2001年度一组数字可以看出,国有企业三年脱困的盈利从1999年的900亿元达到了2001年的2330亿元,而前十名的垄断企业就占据了其中的1900亿元。可以说,这些国有企业的改革方略和改革路径决定了中国下一步国企改革的方向。当国有企业的经营者认识到“全民所有制已经成为体制性障碍”,当他们有了“必须把产权再调整,做公众公司”之自觉的时候,中国石油——这一传统大型国有企业的变革也就有了典型意义。 With CNOOC and China Telecom listing in the United States as a mark, the reform of China's large state-owned enterprises has entered a new stage of development and achieved a breakthrough in the open pattern. This breakthrough not only brings about tremendous benefits that are real and predictable. More importantly, it shows that we have moved from passiveness to proactiveness and put the aggressiveness of SOE reform in the planning of the world economic game. From the published figures for 2001, it can be seen that the profits of state-owned enterprises in their three-year quagmire reached 233 billion yuan in 2001 from 90 billion yuan in 1999, while the top ten monopolies accounted for 190 billion of them yuan. It can be said that the reform strategy and the reform path of these state-owned enterprises determine the direction for China's next SOE reform. When the state-owned enterprise operators realized that “ownership by the whole people has become an institutional obstacle” and when they had the consciousness of “readjusting property rights and becoming a public company,” PetroChina, the transformation of this traditional large state-owned enterprise It has a typical meaning.
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河南省驻马店是一个农业大市,主产小麦、玉米和花生等农作物。花生是驻马店市第3大农作物,是主要的油料和经济作物之一。近年来,随着市场需求的增加 Zhumadian, Henan Provi
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《数学课程标准》要求,学生的数学学习内容应当是现实的、有意义的和富有挑战性的,抛物线上点的坐标的探究正是具有综合性和创造性. The Mathematics Curriculum Standard r