Manufacture Process of 8Y_2O_3 Stabilized ZrO_2 from Nano Powders

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengxiubin
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The manufacture process of 8mol% Y-2O-3 stabilized ZrO-2(YSZ) from nano powders, including the forming and sintering stages, was studied. During the forming process of YSZ powders, the relative density of YSZ increases lineally with the forming press,and the sintering linear shrinkage of YSZ to the forming press compiles to the parabola trend. When the forming press exceeding 500MPa, the samples with lower shrinkage and high density were obtained. The sintering temperature of YSZ decreases greatly because of the small size and high active surface of YSZ powders. As a result, the beginning sintering temperature of YSZ made in the experiment is as low as 825℃, and the end sintering temperature is 1300-1350℃. The relative density of YSZ ceramic by solid sintering at 1300-1350℃ is more than 97%, with little and small pores in the uniform microstructure. The manufacture process of 8mol% Y-2O-3 stabilized ZrO-2 (YSZ) from nano powders, including the forming and sintering stages, was studied. During the forming process of YSZ powders, the relative density of YSZ increases lineally with the forming press, and the sintering linear shrinkage of YSZ to the forming press compiles to the parabola trend. When sintering the shrink press of 500 MPa, the samples with lower shrinkage and high density were obtained. high starting surface of YSZ powders. As a result, the initial sintering temperature of YSZ made in the experiment is as low as 825 ° C., and the end sintering temperature is 1300-1350 ° C. The relative density of YSZ ceramic by solid sintering at 1300 -1350 ° C is more than 97%, with little and small pores in the uniform microstructure.
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