
来源 :中文自修 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sclin
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几天前,无意间在图书馆看到《中文自修》熟悉的封面,让我不由自主翻开了。这可是我高中时期最爱的杂志。高中毕业至今就没有再与你谋面过,我甚至以为你已随着很多纸媒一起烟消云散,却不知你发展得这么快、这么好。一时间,仿佛见到了自己久违的旧友,那种欣喜与激动,那种爱抚与珍惜,都在那一刻从我的双眸中流露,从我轻轻抚过你的每张纸间表达得淋漓尽致。得知作文竞赛已经举办了30年,而我与文学的缘分,也在青春 A few days ago, inadvertently saw in the library, “Chinese self-study” familiar cover, let me involuntarily opened. This is my favorite magazine in high school. I have never even thought of meeting with you again after graduating from high school. I even think that you have vanished with so many paper media, but I do not know if you have developed so fast and so well. For a time, as if I saw my long-lost old friend, that kind of joy and excitement, kind of caressing and cherishing, both revealed from my eyes at that moment, from the light of every sheet of paper I caressed you most vividly. I learned that essay competition has been held for 30 years, and my fate and literature, but also youth
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