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残城址位于成都市蒲江县西来镇白马村(原属于残城址村),邛蒲公路的北面,海拔541米(图一)。史载西魏恭帝年间设置了临溪县城,直至宋代才被降县为镇,长期以来一直认为残城址就是古代的临溪县城所在地。此次主要是通过考古发掘来了解城址始建年代、沿用情况、城墙结构,并在此基础上尝试了解城址的布局,以验证文献的真实性。为此,2006年9月成都文物考古研究所、蒲江县文物保护管理所联合组队对该城址进行了试掘。发掘前对古城进行了踏察和钻探,初步确定了古城墙的范围。经调查城址平面呈梯 The remaining site is located in Baima Village, Xilai Town, Pujiang County, Chengdu City (formerly located in the village of Residual Sites), north of Qiongpu Highway and 541 meters above sea level (Figure 1). The history of the Western Wei Gong years set Linxi county, until the Song Dynasty was the county for the town, has long been that the remains of the ancient city of Linxi County is located. This time, it is mainly through archeological excavations that the city site was first built, used and the structure of the city wall, and on this basis, tried to understand the layout of the city site so as to verify the authenticity of the document. To this end, in September 2006 Chengdu Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology, Pujiang County Heritage Conservation Management Team jointly conducted a pilot test excavation site. Before excavation, the old city was inspected and drilled, initially defining the scope of the ancient city wall. The investigation of the city site plan was ladder
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