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日前,中石油集团公司总经理、党组书记蒋洁敏,在长庆、宁夏等基层单位调研时强调,要继续艰苦奋斗,建设西部大庆,确保实现油气当量5000万吨发展目标;坚持解放思想,持续创新,安全高效建设苏里格现代化大气田。 Recently, Jiang Zemin, general manager and party secretary of CNPC, stressed in his investigation of the grass-roots units such as Changqing and Ningxia that he must continue his arduous struggle to build Daqing in the western part of the country and ensure that it achieves the development goal of 50 million tons of oil and gas equivalent. He insists on emancipating the mind, Safe and Efficient Construction of Sulige Modernized Gas Field.
One dinuclear manganese(II)complex [Mn2(C12H8N2)4(C8H5O4)2](C8H4O4)·H2O has been synthesized with o-phthalic acid and 1,10-phenanthroline.The crystal structure
在电影史上,德国总是以“表现派”、“疏离的唯美主义”和“实验风格”等著称,而让人“另眼看待”,而具体到这个电影博物馆也是如此。 In the history of cinema, Germany i
【正】 China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) hassigned a production sharing contract (PSC) with BG InternationalLimited (BG Group) for block 63/16.CNO
我们9年来在综合疗法的基础上,应用酚妥拉明(简称“酚”)治疗危重顽抗性休克~(15)75例,其中并发(氵弥)漫性血管内凝血(以下简称DIC)者53例,兹将初步体会分析讨论如下: 一、
The nation’s petroleum and chemical industrywas in good recovery shape in November2009 with production value and outputcontinuing to rise significantly,accord
[Objective] To optimize the supercritical carbon dioxide fluid conditions for extracting zingerone in ginger oleoresin from Zingiber officinale Rosc., so as to
为落实惠农支农政策,中国石油天然气股份有限公司山东销售分公司日前决定,山东“三夏”用油定点加油站、加油机对农机具加油时,将做到不限时、不限量,并每升优惠0.2元。 In
胎膜早破(PROM)为孕24~44周在规律宫缩未发生前而破膜者.PROM 使孕产妇及围产儿病率和死亡率增高,故须引起注意.1 PROM 的诊断患者自述阴道多量液体流出,应首先排除为尿液、