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我们9年来在综合疗法的基础上,应用酚妥拉明(简称“酚”)治疗危重顽抗性休克~(15)75例,其中并发(氵弥)漫性血管内凝血(以下简称DIC)者53例,兹将初步体会分析讨论如下: 一、病例概况:本组均为危重顽抗性休 We nine years in the comprehensive treatment based on the application of phentolamine (referred to as “phenol”) treatment of severe recurrent shock ~ (15) 75 cases, of which complicated by diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC) who 53 cases, we will first understand the analysis and discussion are as follows: First, the patient’s condition: This group are critically ill Hugh
【正】 China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) andHusky Oil China Limited have made a new deepwater gasdiscovery,Liuhua (LH) 34-2,which is the second de
A simple one-bath strategy has been developed to synthesize a novel CdTe@SiO_2@MIP(molecularly imprinted and silica-functionalized CdTe quantum dots,MISFQDs),in
阿斯匹林用于糖尿病治疗,国内文献尚无详细报道。我院自1977年起应用其治疗糖尿病5例,3例有效,现介绍如下。例1 李××,男性,52岁,住院号17262。因冠心病入院。住院期间发现
One dinuclear manganese(II)complex [Mn2(C12H8N2)4(C8H5O4)2](C8H4O4)·H2O has been synthesized with o-phthalic acid and 1,10-phenanthroline.The crystal structure
在电影史上,德国总是以“表现派”、“疏离的唯美主义”和“实验风格”等著称,而让人“另眼看待”,而具体到这个电影博物馆也是如此。 In the history of cinema, Germany i
【正】 China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) hassigned a production sharing contract (PSC) with BG InternationalLimited (BG Group) for block 63/16.CNO