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胎膜早破(PROM)为孕24~44周在规律宫缩未发生前而破膜者.PROM 使孕产妇及围产儿病率和死亡率增高,故须引起注意.1 PROM 的诊断患者自述阴道多量液体流出,应首先排除为尿液、阴道炎性液或羊膜与绒毛膜间的积液.可于消毒外阴后轻轻用阴道窥器行宫颈窥诊,亦可对液体行如下检测:①硝嗪(nitrazinc)试纸测定,如偏碱性,pH 在7以上,胎膜破裂的可能性较大.②阴道悬滴液镜检可见成堆的胎儿皮肤上皮细胞和毳毛,加温烘干后镜检可见羊齿状结晶,表明液体为羊水.③阴道液离心沉淀,沉渣涂片干燥后用0.5‰美蓝染色,可见淡蓝色或不着色胎儿皮肤上皮细胞及毳毛,用苏丹Ⅲ染色可见橘黄色脂肪颗粒,用0.5%尼罗蓝染色可见橘黄色 Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) in pregnancy 24 to 44 weeks in the regular contractions did not occur before rupture .PROM so that maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality increased, it should be noted.1 PROM diagnostic patient readme Vaginal discharge of large amounts of liquid should be first ruled out for the urine, vaginal fluid or amniotic fluid between the chorion and the effusion can be disinfected in the vulva gently vaginal speculum cervical spine consultation, the liquid line can also be tested as follows: ① nitrazinc test paper determination, such as alkaline, pH above 7, the possibility of rupture of membranes greater.② vaginal hanging drop microscopy of piles of fetal skin epithelial cells and beard hair, heating and drying Dry microscopic examination showed fern-like crystals, indicating that the liquid for amniotic fluid. ③ vaginal fluid sedimentation, sediment smear stained with 0.5 ‰ methylene blue staining, showing light blue or non-pigmented fetal skin epithelial cells and beard hair, with Sudan Ⅲ staining visible orange fat particles, visible with 0.5% Nile blue visible orange
阿斯匹林用于糖尿病治疗,国内文献尚无详细报道。我院自1977年起应用其治疗糖尿病5例,3例有效,现介绍如下。例1 李××,男性,52岁,住院号17262。因冠心病入院。住院期间发现
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在电影史上,德国总是以“表现派”、“疏离的唯美主义”和“实验风格”等著称,而让人“另眼看待”,而具体到这个电影博物馆也是如此。 In the history of cinema, Germany i
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