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英国伯明翰和伦敦教学医院报道2例腑型疟疾病人采用静脉内给予奎宁或氯奎后死亡。本文作者亦有1例脑型疟疾静脉给予奎宁引起了死亡。通过总结,提出以下治疗方案:当恶性疟原虫在血液中被证实后,测病人脉搏及血压,然后给病人1ml1‰的肾上腺素肌注,(在2分钟注完)休息5分钟,复测病人脉搏及血压。1次静脉内给予双氢奎宁600mg、加入20ml 蒸馏水缓慢注入(10分钟注完),在注射后5~10分钟以内病人通常恢复神志,此后可以继续口服药物。给病人静脉内注射奎宁,会产生不良的 Jarisch-Hexheimer 反应现象,这种现象与以往因第Ⅲ期梅毒应用砷剂治疗所引起的反应相似。在大脑毛细血管 Birmingham, England and London Teaching Hospital reported 2 cases of Fufang-type malaria patients died of intravenous administration of quinine or clenbuterol. The authors also reported that 1 case of cerebral malaria caused quinine death by intravenous administration. After summing up, the following treatment plan was proposed: After the P. falciparum was confirmed in the blood, the patient’s pulse and blood pressure were measured. Then, the patient was given 1 ml of 1 ‰ epinephrine intramuscularly, and the patient was rest for 5 minutes (note at 2 minutes) And blood pressure. 1 intravenous dihydrocytine 600mg, 20ml distilled water by slow infusion (10 minutes note), within 5 to 10 minutes after injection, the patient usually regained consciousness, then you can continue oral medication. Intravenous administration of quinine to a patient produces an adverse Jarisch-Hexheimer reaction similar to that previously ameliorated by treatment with arsenic in stage III syphilis. Capillaries in the brain
阿斯匹林用于糖尿病治疗,国内文献尚无详细报道。我院自1977年起应用其治疗糖尿病5例,3例有效,现介绍如下。例1 李××,男性,52岁,住院号17262。因冠心病入院。住院期间发现
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