Near-inertial waves in the wake of 2011 Typhoon Nesat in the northern South China Sea

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingge911
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In September 2011, Typhoon Nesat passed over a moored array of instruments recording current and temperature in the northern South China Sea(SCS). A wake of baroclinic near-inertial waves(NIWs) commenced after Nesat passed the array. The associated near-inertial currents are surface-intensified and clockwise-polarized. The vertical range of NIWs reached 300 m, where the vertical range is defined as the maximum depth of the horizontal near-inertial velocity 5 cm/s. The current oscillations have a frequency of 0.709 9 cycles per day(cpd), which is 0.025 f higher than the local inertial frequency. The NIWs have an e-folding time-scale of 10 d based on the evolution of the near-inertial kinetic energy. The depth-leading phase of near-inertial currents indicates downward group velocity and energy flux. The estimated vertical phase velocity and group velocity are 0.27 and 0.08 cm/s respectively, corresponding to a vertical wavelength of 329 m. A spectral analysis reveals that NIWs act as a crucial process to redistribute the energy injected by Typhoon Nesat. A normal mode and an empirical orthogonal function analysis indicate that the second mode has a dominant variance contribution of 81%, and the corresponding horizontal phase velocity and wavelength are 3.50 m/s and 420 km respectively. The remarkable large horizontal phase velocity is relevant to the rotation of the earth, and a quantitative analysis suggests that the phase velocity of the NIWs with a blue-shift of 0.025 f overwhelms that of internal gravity waves by a factor of 4.6. In September 2011, Typhoon Nesat passed over a moored array of instruments recording current and temperature in the northern South China Sea (SCS). A wake of baroclinic near-inertial waves (NIWs) commenced after Nesat passed the array. The associated near-inertial The vertical range of NIWs reached 300 m, where the vertical range is defined as the maximum depth of the horizontal near-inertial velocity of 5 cm / s. The current oscillations have a frequency of 0.709 9 cycles per day (cpd), which is 0.025 f higher than the local inertial frequency. The NIWs have an e-folding time-scale of 10 d based on the evolution of the near-inertial kinetic energy. The depth-leading phase of near The estimated vertical phase velocity and group velocity are 0.27 and 0.08 cm / s respectively, corresponding to a vertical wavelength of 329 m. A spectral analysis reveals that NIWs act as ac rucial process to redistribute the energy injected by Typhoon Nesat. A normal mode and an empirical orthogonal function analysis that the second mode has a dominant variance contribution of 81%, and the corresponding horizontal phase velocity and wavelength are 3.50 m / s and 420 km respectively. The remarkable large horizontal phase velocity is relevant to the rotation of the earth, and a quantitative analysis suggests that the phase velocity of the NIWs with a blue-shift of 0.025 f overwhelms that of internal gravity waves by a factor of 4.6.
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