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地租分配涉及社会的基础性公平问题,在改革的顶层设计中应得到优先考虑。以公平为导向,我国改革中的地租分配应从三个方面着力:一是重建全国性财政体制,化解以“中部困局”为典型的地区间级差地租,消解地方“土地财政”带来的社会不平等与政治紧张;二是设计“均沾地价、增值归公”的房产税,建立公平的社会财富分配机制与有效率的土地资源配置机制,并实现土地租金上的代际公平,该政策应优先于公租房政策;三是建立“村社、农户和农协三主体”的农业发展模式,抑制城市资本和行政权力“下乡掠夺”的冲动,走劳动而非资本密集的农业生产道路,将农业产业链的利润包容在农民的自主性产业扩展范围之中。 The issue of rent distribution involves the basic equity of society and should be given top priority in the reform of the top-level design. In order to be fair, the distribution of government rent in reform should focus on three aspects: First, to rebuild the nationwide financial system and to resolve the inter-regional differences in rent and digestion with “central dilemmas ” as the typical regional fiscal Bring about social inequality and political tension; the second is to design a “real estate tax equal to the value of land, value added to the public” real estate tax, establish a fair social wealth allocation mechanism and efficient allocation of land resources, and to achieve intergenerational land rent Fair, and the policy should take precedence over public rental policies. Thirdly, we should establish an agricultural development model of “three main bodies of village, farmer and peasant association” and restrain the impulse of urban capital and administrative power to “plunder the countryside” Instead of a capital-intensive agricultural production path, the profit of the agricultural industrial chain will be included in the expansion of peasant self-determination industries.
我们一台 X52K 立式升降台铣床,在一月中曾发生两次工作台常速运动中出现快速运动现象,打坏了铣刀或工件。检修中发现拨动爪式离合器的小轴上面的锁紧圆螺母可能因振动、松
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特别报道加强学习 改进作风 与时俱进 深化改革 ——项怀诚部长在全国财政工作会议闭幕式上的讲话摘要 1-4财政部部长项怀诚同志在杨纪琬教授会计奖学金 新闻发布